
OH I get it

I think that the person posting comments to my blog is Jan Chils... JC= Jan Childs... ok. That's fine.

That's all, just wanted to post that.


Aaah The Mystery

So when I post (trying to do that more often) There is an anonymous poster that has made some comments to some of my postings.. I wonder who this dark and mysterious person may be? James Lipton of The Actors Studio? Former Senator Max Cleland? (who is "stumping for Kerry" right now. HA HA HA)

Post on you anonymous poster you!!!!

Get it, stumping for Kerry?? He lost 3 limbs in Vietnam ... so he's "stumping for Kerry"......

Perhaps it is portly former lead singer of Motely Crue Vince Neil???

In my Blog there is trouble

So sorry to be away for a while, what can I say? It's not that I can say "work is pressing", or "I have been away on business", or "my band had to go back into the studio to do some overdubs"... Nope, nah, can't do it. I have been going to the gym, and limping really hard, and improving the ol' cardiovascular.... so I wont get the heart disease when I'm 45. Feels great, but a shock to the system after months of stuffing my fat, depressed mouth.

Gots to get back into the job hunt. Couple o'things....

First off, I have no Olympic Fever... That Paul Hamm guy seems like a dick, and should give his dopey medal back because he did not win it. Athens, however, seems like a lovely town.

Mega kudos to Mr. Sacha Baron Cohen for his brilliant season of "Da Ali G Show" that just finished up on HBO. Check it out once they reshow it beginning sunday if you were a loser and out clubbing when it was on originally!

Mega shout outs to my main man President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.. Any left wing despot who steals his election, but has a talk show where he talks about sports, cooking AND politics is ok in my book! La lucha continua Senor Presidente!!!