
How gorgeous is this wife of mine?? :)

Look at this gorgeous picture of my wife who is now 32 weeks pregnant w/ Mr. T!! This latest Belly picture was taken last night, and I just had to put it up here. I may be biased, but my wife just looks amazing :)

As she has mentioned on her side of the blog, she can just barely fit behind the wheel of her car!! Pretty soon she is gonna be totally housebound. Not to mention that our street continually is being worked on. That's no fun for sweet, sexy pregnant wives! I wish Mr. T. would take it easy on his Mommy. I've tried to give him a stern talking to thru Vicki's belly, but he has not been listening yet. I will keep on trying. However, nonetheless; VICKI YOU LOOK AMAZING, BABES!!!!

Did everyone catch the debate on Wednesday? I just have to say: THANK GOD THEY ARE OVER!. I just want full speed to election day. I must be not the most perceptive guy in the world, or have no natural instinct for politics. I watched each of the 3 Presidential debates, and the 1 Vice Presidential Debate. I felt that John McCain did well in all of them.

I was trying to be objective, but perhaps a little too objective. The pundits talked about his facial expressions during this last debate, and how he came off as old and desperate. I was kind of embarassed that I did not notice this stuff. Hey, anything that strengthens Barack's case is cool with me!

I thought Barack came off as very Presidential, and very polished. I felt that he confronted McCain about the crowds at his rallies, and the Ayers issue as well. McCain had nothing for him except terse old man type stuff! Fingers crossed til Election Day!

Vicki and I are always worrying about TV shows we like jumping the shark. In fact I may be almost too nutty about this. I was worry as we were watching "The Office", and Jane Levenson was talking about her babies' birth. And, that it was a water birth, she gets asked about if "everything comes out" and she said "Oh yes, even the afterbirth". Creed Bratton, goes, "That musta looked like the Landing at Omaha Beach"

Laugh out Loud Funny!! Hysterical.

"Life on Mars" is still ok. The 2nd episode holds up. Harvey Keitel may just rock in his role.

Shout out to Chris Leben! Hope he wins this weekend during the UFC PPV!!


Starfuckers Incorporated

Well, apparently the McCain campaign in all of their erratic behavior actually intends for the race to be run this way. All of the hate speech, all of the stop/starts, all of the confusing behavior, they meant for it to be run like this. This is not just me scratching my head in liberal town. Such Conservative luminaries like George Will, Bill Kristol, Peggy Noonan even Tommy Thompson are saying "Hey Johnny Mac (go go go, Johnny) you better change this campaign around."

Former short list VP candidate, Florida Governor (and extremely tan man of Greek Extraction) Charlie Christ chose to go to Disneyworld today, rather than campaign for John McCain :) He said "If I get a chance to campaign later, I'll get to it". :) Can you hear an overweight lady singing somewhere, maybe? Not saying anything til the Republican concession speech on Election night.
However, Mr. Starfucker himself, Steve Schmidt, says that the McCain Campaign is about to pull off a "Rope a Dope"of Ali like proportions. We shall see, Stevie, we shall see. Y'know folks, I have to point out that it is VERY funny that Steve-O is so powerful politically, but he has no hair on his head! Can't Carl Rove do anything about that? Look at those shades perched precariously on his bald dome. Gotta love it!
Had a very mellow weekend. Enjoyed spending time w/ Vicki, and hearing Tobin trying to kick big time. I'm on a big British Mystery kick, and I'm really enjoying the latest John Harvey novel. It's gritty, and set in Industrial Nottingham! Gotta love that. "The Life and Times of Tim" is just laugh out loud funny! I mean, really, really funny.

"True Blood" keeps on getting better and better. It may be one of the most enjoyable hours on TV, period. It's up there with "Mad Men". I'm not sure what the whole Don Draper in Palm Springs thing was. However, it was awesome to see him potentially explore who he truly is.

Hows about Richard Lewis on "Countdown"?? Tell it like it is, Richard!!


What the hell happened to the weekend!??!

Jesus Christo, it just seems like I got home on Friday night. Here, getting ready to call Sunday done. Soon enough I'm a gonna have to get up for work tomorrow. THAT really sucks. I don't know about you guys, but I wish my weekends were longer. What can you do, huh?

Not too much going on this weekend. I got to catch up on some reading, including some parenting stuff. Quicker than I can say "Bambino", the little one will be here. So, I guess I have to enjoy my weekend sleep-ins while I can!!! In all seriousness, I can't wait for the little one to get here. He was totally pushing on Vicki's tummy today. It was if he was saying "Get me outta here, I'm ready for the world".


Take your time kiddo, don't rush things!! The world will be here waiting for you. As will your parents!!