Our West Coast chill friends, Abi, Andy (of Boy's Night Out Fame!!) and Aidan came over for the day. Football was watched, Turkey was eaten and many, many laughs were had, big time. In fact, I think that the day really could not have gone much better. There were no arguments, there was a lot of laughter and delicious food was had. What more could you want? The only thing that is slightly lame is that it's back to work tomorrow!!! I originally had the whole day off to take Dad back to the airport as he is flying home tomorrow.
Dad's visit was quite memorable. He gave Tobin his Hanukkah/Birthday present, which was a train set!!! It's great to see Tobe say "Choo Choo Daddy, CHOO CHOO" all the time. Vicki put it together, and he is LOOOOOOOOVING playing the conductor. Right now, the train clang clang clang noises are reverberating in my head :) Aaaah the joys of parenthood!!!!! In all seriousness, it's great to see Tobin to have such joy on his face!!! It makes all the aggravation of everyday life all worthwhile.
It's going to be sad to say goodbye to Dad tomorrow. I'm not good w/ goodbyes as it is. As we both get older, the distance between Florida, and New Jersey seems deeper, longer, almost a continent away. Getting older, and time going bye is the name of the game, I guess. It does not make it any more easier to deal with, however!!!
Congrats go out to Juan Manual Marquez and Michael Katsidis who fought a GREAT fight on HBO last night from the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. JMM came out on top, but Katsidis has nothing to be ashamed of, he showed alot of heart!!!!