
40 and still (Fairly) Fabulous!

Jesus Christ, guess I had a birthday yesterday, huh? I hit the big 4-0 yesterday. It was a very mellow, fun time. I'd had alot of trepidation in me as the date approached. However, what can you do, you can't escape it, right? I just have had issues, that I work on in therapy about just where all the time went. I love being a Dad, and a husband; but where did all the years go??

Vicki surprised me 2 days ago by saying "Hey, the diaper bag is really heavy, why don't you help me unload it". Well, dopey me, I thought it truly was heavy (which, hey, it was). So I found my bday present inside!! She got me one of those "Nook" eReaders. I love it!! I think it's so amazing to have a device where you can store up to 1500 books in one place! How about that!

I promptly downloaded my first book, and I'm in the middle of reading "The girl w/ the Dragon Tattoo". Pretty good Scandinavian thriller so far. That Larsson dude had alot of talent! He left us too soon (He died at 50!). In all seriousness, stuff like the Nook opens up reading to a whole different generation. Though I still feel reading is a visceral pleasure at the same time. So, we will see. As long as people keep reading, it's all good, right?

Yesterday at work, my co-workers got me a cake, and sang Happy Birthday. It was a nice touch. Not every workplace does that. So it is nice that they do that. Then Vicki took me to a local place here in Rockaway for dinner called "Potbelly's" Good food was had by all, And the adults had champagne.

So, as I have hit my 40Th year, I can ease back, and work on being a loving , open husband, and a giving Father as well. I will keep on trying to work on being a better human being to Vicki, Tobin and those around me!!!


So Far, So OK

What, you expected me to say everything was great? :) I'm a cynic, c'mon guys, you know me better than that. In all seriousness however, the move is going really ok. The new place is starting to feel like home (A LITTLE BIT). The move started on Wednesday at around 9 a.m. when the movers got to the Madison place. I was immediately put off a little bit when the boss mover told me that some of our stuff was not going to get moved as we had not packed it yet.

I don't know if you've tried moving with a toddler in tow, dear reader, but it's very tiresome and consuming. You just have to set reasonable expectations and just deal. Neither Vicki or I have parents that are right next door (and in some cases, Thank god for that as I would not want my dad next door! LOLOLOLOLOLOL) So you do the best you can.

And in our case, we asked the landlord if we could carry on moving out stuff out on 9/2 The Thursday. They were nice enough to say yes, so we did do that.. Finally, we are all moved out. We're a little stir crazy as we will have no TV or internet access til Thursday!!!! However, the place is starting to feel ok. I'm actually writing this to you from work, as I went in on Labor Day to empty out my email so I could start the work week tomorrow on a clean slate!!!

That's another thing about the move, I needed to take an extra day off (had originally taken Tues and Wed Off), as the move was a nightmare. So, I called out work here at the drug place emporium on Thursday. Needless to say, that did not go over too well w/ the big boss men and boss women. Suddenly, I'm a rebel all over again. Oh well, what can you do. Gotta do it rock n'roll style just Like I always do, that's for sure!!! I'll hang in there as always!

Can you believe that on 9/9, I'm gonna turn 40 years old?? Crazy. Never thought I'd get here. I find myself feeling a little scared, but fairly centered about it. Not too depressed or anything. We shall see how far that feeling continues!!!!