
Home Run

Gotta just jet back on here and say that the Democrats have hit a home run with the Convention this week . Joe Biden delivered an amazing VP Speech yesterday, and easily laid out the mistakes that a John McCain administration would undoubtedly bring if the Republicans got elected. Senator Hilary Clinton, delivered the goods 2 nights ago by telling her supporters to go to Barack Obama's side. President Clinton delivered a message that only he could. It only makes me wish that the campaign had not been as ugly as it was.

Finally, Senator Obama's speech tonight was--in a word--amazing. My dad has just flown in from Florida for Cousin Robert's wedding on Sunday. He, Vicki and I sat there, watching this amazing speech, delivered by this amazing politician; and we all had tears in our eyes. Barack delivered the goods: why his presidency will be different and BETTER than 4 more years of George W. Bush, why the Democrats have the answer to Iraq and Afghanistan. How they can deliver jobs, and economic stability not to big Fortune 500 companies, and Wall Street executives, but to ordinary people, who are out there, in the trenches, fighting.

He perfectly laid out why John McCain is wrong and misguided, and what he will accomplish during his presidency, if elected. The pollsters say that the race is dead even between John McCain and Barack Obama. I can't see how, and it unnerves me. It probably is one of the reasons why I like red wine and anxiety medication!!

How the Republicans, who have traditionally been the party of Millionaires, caviar and Golf tee times have managed to co-opt the working people of America, the people who lose out due to bad health care, higher taxes, no jobs, multiple tours in Iraq etc... how the working class voted 2x for George W. Bush, and now maybe John Sidney McCain....I don't get it...

However, I must say in closing, I feel a little better about America tonight. A little bit more positive for our future. Hey, we are gonna do all that we can as far as campaigning, mobilizing, ... that's all Vicki and I can do.... :)