
All Podcasters are Assholes

SOOO many assholes have podcasts.....
In fact, quick anecdote here .. I had this comic on... and She's from the W. Coast... so a couple weeks ago she is like "hey I'm gonna be in Savannah, GA... come see me perform".. .Savannah is like 3 hrs north of here.. cool town. Kids on skateboards..Coheed and Cambria shirts..etc.

So I go.. of course it's kind of fucked up, and not run correctly.. but anyone who has seen a friends' band at a club could have predicted that.. My friend, the comic walks in, w/ this sensitive artist looking bearded guy (lush, full goatee) and he's wearing a fuckin' Thin Lizzy Shirt.. I was very skeptical  immediately. Was it an ironic t-shirt like a Williamsburg, Brooklyn thing, or  did he really dig power rock trios that were lead by hard drinking Irish Black Men?
ME: "THIN LIZZY!! How about that Phil Lynott (Lead singer.. black Irish guy) drinking himself to death, huh, huh?!?"

SENSITIVE BEARDED GOATEE: "UMMMM (Fake Questioning look on face) Didn't he die of a heroin overdose"?

ME: "Whatever man,... then Bon Scott from AC/DC drank himself to death (true story), who really cares?"

So I start talking to Bearded  Guy, and my comic friend... and I go to Beard:

ME: "SO, how do you know comic friend...?"

BEARD: "She did my podcast, you must know it, its a comedy podcast called "Blankety a Blank Blank a Blank"???

(now in addition to hating pre recorded podcasts ( I do mine live, warts and all)... I hate, HATE hate, HATE.... labeling your show... why can't it be about everything and  anything? I have had comics on my show, MMA fighters/MMA journalists... I've had friends on to do characters.. I had a guy on, Phil the Vegetarian on to discuss how he got addicted to pills... you know I don't see how you have to push yourselves into a corner and be one thing... isn't it fun to riff on EVERYTHING?
It's more interesting when I have someone that is "famous" for one thing" and can mix it up talking about another thing..then people will start to dig that person as an ambassador for whatever field they are in.

I mean if you're Marc Maron.. THEN you can say you do a comedy podcast because you are a funny motherfucker!!

ME:  "WELL! What a Coincidence!! Female Comic ALSO did my podcast!!!"

BEARD: "OOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU do a podcast TOO?!?!?" What is it called? Do you have a lot of other comics on?"

ME: "Well you know, beard, it's called "The One Guy Talking Podcast".  I have had lots of people on" etc etc see above...

 (I begin to tell a story about how I had made contact w/  one of the friends of the Boston Marathon Bombers,, and how I was going to give him an uninterrupted hour on the show to talk about what he considered a conspiracy against his friend--turns out this friend guy stood me up at last minute, but still)

BEARD: (Rolls eyes and shoulders, and shudders) "ANYWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, what studio do you use for your podcast?"

ME: "Huh, Wha?" I was drinking my 3rd Makers Mark and Diet Coke by this point.

BEARD:  "STUDIO! What recording studio do you use!?!?"


I even bought him a drink after that.... but seriously... A STUDIO!?-- That's way some of this ecommerce, online infamy shit has become a bit much,,,,  I am kicking and screaming towards mid middle age.. I wanted to have a creative hobby.... and I already had this blog... and I knew I could talk to people... and I knew I could improvise, and have all sorts of different people on. The only thing that I had in my mind as far as organizing the show was that I'd have guests on that I thought were fun, or interesting or challenging.
The only advice I gave potential guests is to think of the show as walking into a bar, and either a) running into a friend you had not seen in a while, or b) sitting next to the wackiest, most unfiltered person at the bar...and you banter back and forth all night.
That's it... that's the only thing... :) Not bad, huh?