
Tobin Sincoff is a rock star!!

Tobin was the center of attention for both Saturday and Sunday. It was such a blast!! Saturday we drove out to Brooklyn for the day. We saw my Aunt Eileen and Uncle Joe. They hadn't seen Tobin since his welcome home party in January of 2009. He loved running around (and around and around) their house!!! Non Stop he was, from the living room, to the dining room to the kitchen, and even up some of the stairs

Now, Joe & Eileen are the 2 closest relatives to my family on my Mom's side. Joe & Mom were 1st cousins, but always acted like brother and sister. Hence Uncle Joe, & Aunt Eileen. I've always been close to them, and their kids. It was Joe being a professor of History that encouraged me to major in History, he really made the subject approachable. Eileen was a life long teacher in the elementary school system of New York City. 2 great people.

Did Tobin love them!! :) He totally rocked Ocean Parkway, and then he had a blast @ Marine Park which was just down the road. He ran around from the moment he got there, til the moment we dragged him out of there (where does he get his energy). As I watched Tobin scale a foam octopuss; It got me thinking,

How come adults search near and far for that kind of elusive happiness?

We never seem to quite grab it, no matter how much good stuff (family, love, wealth, iPad) we have.

We try therapy, medication (legal and illegal), some of us drink, some of us abuse ourselves in other ways. It's fascinating, and makes you think. Perhaps it's the work thing coupled w/ the aging thing; but as we get more stressed in life, it becomes harder for us as adults to find that spiritual foam octopuss. Perhaps we can get back to that state of glee somehow.

Uncle Joe kept on going to Tobin; "Boy, would your Grandma have been crazy about you". Of course, that got me thinking about my Mom, who has been gone a long time. It's true, she would be soooooooooo in love w/ Tobin as her grandson, I smile now thinking of it! She would have made such a fuss over him. I get a kick out of that :)

Sunday was spent brunching w/ Rachel M., Rock Star Rollie & the lovely Susannah in Jersey City. Again, Tobin had the flashbulbs popping, and was the star of the meal!! Susannah and Rachel had their cameras going so fast, it was like some sort of movie premier or something! We laughed, caught up, and no one counted any calories :) Topped that off with a great evening w/ a killer episode of "Breaking Bad"!!!! Life is pretty good.