
While I may have been jacked, I am back for a proverbial attack

While I can't go into what happened recently; let's just say the past reared it's ugly head in a big way. I kinda got in a fight, and lost (in a allegory kinda way), I'm proud that I stood up, fought for what I believed in, and tried to kick butt.  It was kind of a traumatic event, which rehashed a lot of memories from the period of my Dad's passing. But hey, I got thru it.... I survived. I'm not smoking cigarettes (even though I'm rocking the nicotine gum).

I even got told I have the "worst podcast I've ever heard. How could you possibly think it was entertaining!?" LOLOL Little did the person know that was kind of the point...even though I'm overdue for a show, and I dig it... it's lo-fi.  I do try to prepare more for it now. So, if anyone that took such thorough notes wants to continue to listen, please do! Mega shout outs to you, kiddo!

Other than that, it's a new class... "Case Conceptualizations".. I'm digging it. It's good to be back w/ the Nova Posse again.  Some good people there. We are quickly approaching internship and practicum time.... and hopefully I have something lined up for nights so I can continue to rock on down to Electric Avenue during the day and make that cheddar.

Other than that, life is pretty good. Tobin is doing Jedi School (is he a Padawan?) and he has a uniform and everything.  Vicki is rocking the real estate world, and is gorgeous and amazing.... Lulu the dog is still surly... Freddie is sweet, but blind.. Parker is great but chews on things... Mimi and Marceline the kitties are keeping it real too.

I'm also working on this ADD thing... Whenever I read a textbook, I forget what I read...  I am trying to find some techniques to get past it!

It's been FOREVER since a decent boxing or MMA event. Though I was happy to see Frank Mir FINALLY win a fight!!

What's up w/ everybody else?