
A Funny thing happened on the way to the telephone

I don't know if you noticed it, but the old blogster here is a few postings short. That's right, apparently the company I temped at (and we all know who that is, I mean, I write this for myself, and Vicki!) did not like the way they were referenced . They asked the agency that put me there to have me change/delete postings that very vaguely mentioned people..

As opposed to making a whole schpiel about "free speech" and stuff, I just deleted the postings. For some reasons, the postings still do show up under my profile when you click on the profile, however the postings themselves are deleted, wacky, wacky stuff, right? It would be nice if the agency were calling me repeatedly going "Ethan, ohmigod, we have multiple job postings from clients we want to put you in touch with"... but that tain't the case me boyo!

Props to Yasser Arafat for being in a coma!