
More baby news and Chinese Democracy!

Well, Vicki had her next to last Ob appointment before Mr. T's delivery. Her doctor said everything is looking good, and we are proceeding as normal. The doctor even said that we can expect to enjoy Thanksgiving, and Tobe will not be arriving tomorrow :) . I had the feeling that he could arrive very soon, but we were told that he is going to wait til at least the weekend. So we shall see. Touch wood, everything is looking great!!

I would be lame if I did not put down my .02 regarding the new Guns N'Roses album, "Chinese Democracy". I've been a fan of G n'R since 11th Grade when JoAnn Kosiak came into home room to tell me that she had gone to see this punk metal band at the (now defunct) Ritz @ 4th and Broadway in NYC. JoAnn always rocked like that.

Well, I listened, and listened to "Appetite for Destruction". There was an urgency, and a sense of the unknown to the bluesy based metal that I heard for the first time on that disc. It still holds up today in 2008. I remember digging their acoustic "Lies" album.. then in 1992, towards the end of my time at Temple University, "User Your Illusion Versions 1 and 2" finally were released simultaneously.

They were classics. You could tell that the band was attempting to stay based in glam punk metal, and broaden their musical palette. They pulled it off amazingly well.

Of course, years passed, and all the other members of the band left. W. Axl Rose was the only remaining member. "Chinese Democracy" has been promised in one way, or another since 1998 or so. People felt that it was never going to be released. Axl would be some sort of joke, who never left his mansion, and he would be the J.D. Salinger of Rock Music.

The album was being worked on , and then reworked. Buckethead joined, and left. Tommy Stinson from the Replacements, and Robin Finck from Nine Inch Nails joined.

Well, the album finally came out on November 23. I preordered it from Best Buy

Initially, you listed to it,and you say "wow, why did this take 15 years?". However, after you put those emotions aside, and actually listen to the tracks. From the opening title song, to songs like "Better", "Catcher in the Rye", "Sorry" and "IRS", the musicianship, the lyrics, and the vocals are unbeatable. This album rocks with an urgency, and a passion that I've not heard in quite some time. It truly is a work of art. Honestly.

As someone who has battled ups and downs, I can kind of relate, in a way what Axl has gone through on the rocky road to making this album. All I can say is that I knew this album would eventually come out. It is amazing, and I' m so psyched for him. Congrats, Axl! I hope the next album comes out sooner!

December 4th is Quickly Approaching

I would be remiss if I did not post here as December 4th gets closer and closer. I'm so excited about Tobe's arrival. However, I am worried that I will be a good Dad. I have to be honest... I am going to try my best to be the best Dad for this little baby that I can be. However, it is something so HYOOOOOGE that I just am going to have to do it day by day. Vicki is certain that I'm going to be a wonderful Father. It's just my natural sense of feeling insecure that is leaving me feel kooky.
I just want him to get here! I want to wear that baby sling and feel his breath against my chest. I'm even looking forward to the diaper changes (a little bit!). I'm looking forward to the months down the road when we will be able to interact with each other a bit!! What am I gonna do when I can make this kid smile, or giggle for the first time?? Tobey is totally gonna have his Dad in the palm of his hand!!

I'm totally reading Dr. Spock right now. I'm gonna be a very involved Daddy. There is not gonna be any of this "I'm home from work now. I'm the Man, and I'm not gonna help". Nope!! I'm gonna be as involved as much as Vicki will let me!!

I am predicting that when Tobin is a teenager, I soooo am gonna be the hip, go to Dad! Vicki is the disciplinarian in the family :). It is just that as Mr. T's birth is approaching, I'm getting insecure. Why is this? No idea... However, it is something I struggle with. I'm keeping my chin up however!
Gotta show everyone some pictures from the week 37 ultrasound on Monday!!

Tobin is being kind of bashful in the picture above and in this one below:

Much like his Daddy, he is always putting his hands near his mouth!! If I'm not eating something I've always got my hands on my face looking all intellectual like I'm pondering the meaninf of life!!!

Vicki and I kept it so real this past weekend. Our friends Abby and Andy & their little boy Aidan came over to help us with the nursery. Andy and I put the crib together in under an hour!

Aidan did a great job of supervising! He was a real task master. However, Andy and I managed to pull it off:

It looks like I actually know what I'm doing, huh!?!?!!?

I love this particular pic. We're doing a jungle theme for Tobe's room, and this was very appropriate, and sooo awesome that Vicki found it on Ebay:

More pictures will follow very soon!! I have to go to bed now. On a different note, stay tuned for my Farewell notes on "The Shield"..... and speaking of "The Jungle"! I will be reviewing Guns n Roses "Chinese Democracy" very, very soon!!!