
Obama is still a Long Legged Mack Daddy!

Just wanted to get on here really quickly so I can muse for a moment on the election and stuff.  First off, podcast is going well.  I actually own the domain name www.oneguytalkingpodcast.com, so we are on the verge of podcast domination!! Good stuff. Again, gotta say thanks to the people who continue to agree to participate as guests on the show, as well as friends and family who have gone into the chat room, and called in w/ questions.

Now. Onto the election really quickly.  To say it has been an emotional couple of months since my Dad died would be an understatement.  He really wanted to participate in this election. He phone banked w/ me for The Prez ("Ethan, I'm voting for the guy, but this is FUCKING boring"), and we would watch MSNBC together here in Jacksonville, and agree w/ Reverend Al Sharpton as he eviscerated the Republican candidates.

Dad hated Mitt Romney, and was so looking fwd to seeing him go down.

How the night progressed was a testament by how the News builds up a contest.  The Nate Silvers (and Vicki Sincoffs!) of the world had called this for the President by a large margin a long time ago.  However, news needs to sell, especially you are Fox News, right?? You gots to have a race.

In the end, much like Bush did to Kerry, Obama kicked Romney's ass.  Mandate. look at the #'s. "Boo-ya" etc.  If your party refuses to acknowledge demographics (gender, ethnicity, race) as well as make social issues prominent part of your party platform, you will drive any middle of the road Liberals who might even consider voting for you.

Leave Religion for those who lead places of worship on Fri/Sat and Sundays.  It should have no place in contemporary politics.

Looking forward to moving past this day as it's a huge emotional ordeal. Loving the memory of my father. He'd be sooooooooooo laughing at the Conservabots today as they nervously spew excuses on how they miscalled this race, and  Romney's staff FUCKED up so much!

Puts a smile on my face thru the tears.

Oh, and Congrats to President Obama (and the Obama family)!

And into the dustbin of history go Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan!