
The friend at the Party who doesn't overstay their welcome

I don't mean to seem over the top, but I've been pondering this thought  for quite a while.  The RV Destruction scene in "Breaking Bad" may very well be the most gorgeous scene ever captured on film for American television.  From the killer song "He Venido" by Los Zaffiros (Breathtaking, JUST Breathtaking, truly shows that you don't need to know a language to dig tunes), to the cinematography, the scene blows me away every time I watch it.

 I'm not sure if it is just the song (which prooves, much like Scorcese told us for a long time, that music captures, and enhances film.  It adds a visceral element) or just the way the director, John Shiban perfectly captures the colors of the New Mexico desert.  (and I could not find the finale "Sunset" scene w/ Gus and Tuco's cousins, which is just as stunning.),  All I know is that I can watch that scene again, and again and again. 

I can watch "Breaking Bad" over and over again.  Both Bickaboo and I are HYOOGE fans of the show.  Each season (ESPECIALLY after the "Cousins" season) I say "there is NO that this show can top itself. It continually has.  You have to tip your hat to creator Vince Gilligan,and the actors in the show: Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, and the other performers on the show.  The writing has stayed crisp, the acting is still amazing, and the storylines have continued to keep you on edge.

So, it is with great anticipation, as well as great sadness that I await the premier of season 5 on July 15th.  Vince Gilligan has announced that this is the shows' last season.  When asked why (the acting, and writing are still fresh and vital) he said "we didn't want to be the friend at the party who overstaed their welcome". What a great way to put it, right?  So many other great shows ("Homicide" and "True Blood" come to mind) hang in there for far, far too long.  The audience that watches these shows become disheartened, bummed out. The legacy of the show becomes tarnished.

So, while I will miss Walter White, Jesse Pinkman (AND GUSTAVO FRING!) and company; I realize that it is for the best.  The creator, cast, writers and directors created something magical.  A show that I truly feel is a landmark in American television.  So, while I am indeed sad for the end of this party, it is with excitement that I look to this season, as the culmination of the wild, wild ride Walter White has taken us into the dark areas of the human psyche.

How will the show resolve itself? Will Walt's cancer return, or will he meet his downfall some other way? Will Jesse find redemption and peace?  I just can't wait to find out!


I blog when there are lame UFC PPV's on

There is no bigger MMA fan than I.  I have been watching the sport since the pre Dana White historionics, and early Spike TV craziness. I remember watching Pride Fighting Championships on PPV from Japan. On a Sunday night, w/ John and Dina Shingleton, w/ Vicki...  So, I write from authority when I say that I truly love the sport (much like I love boxing), and I watch ALOT of ppv's. However, I am not watching the PPV tonight from Brazil that the UFC is putting on.

The reasoning I have is as follows:  to begin, I like sitting every other PPV out.  I usually go by the credo of 3 fights deep.  In other words, is the main event great? Cool. Is the Co-main event great? Awesome.  What about the 3rd fight, is it appealing?  If it is, you may have a done deal as far as viewing a PPV is concerned when it comes to my opinion. Usually that's my hard and fast rule.

However, the card in Brazil tonight, just does not do anything for me.  It's not that I don't know the majority of the names on the card.  That's fine.  I've discovered alot of great fighters in both the boxing and MMA worlds by just giving 'em a chance and digging them.  I can't do it w/ this card.

Simply put, I love Wanderlei Silva.  Not only is Vicki's "ugly boyfriend", he is a great guy. NO OTHER fighter has kept it as real as he has in the ring.  I remember watching videos of his fights in Japan... he was utterly devastating.  Unfortunately, a great fighter always gets old. With age, goes the chin.   Wanderlei can't take a punch anymore.  He probably should have quit fighting a long time ago.  Sad.  Can't watch him. Don't want to get bummed out :(

It has been a good weekend.   Took Toby to Sweet Pete's . It's an organic chocolate place, down in the "hipster" Springfield neighborhood.  An author read a book about puppy dogs, which T gave a standing ovation!! He then had a chance to create his own chocolate lollipop.  Of course, it was very appropriately fashioned to look like a Golden Retriever!  Toby promptly fell asleep on the ride home!! He hasn't even eaten his creation yet! Can ya believe it!?