
Nice Job, Josh Barnett!!

You're such a fucknut!!

Way to test positive for anabolic steroids for the 2nd time in your career!! This time, you tested positive PRIOR to the fight. You're putting the entire Affliction PPV in jeopardy as a result! Douche... I mean, they are talking about Vitor Belfort fighting Fedor now. Belfort is a Middleweight, and will be giving up some 30 pounds or so! I don't even know how the California State Athletic Commission would even license that!
At a point when Mixed Martial Arts is getting alot of mainstream (Sports Illustrated, ESPN, etc) press, the combination of what Brock Schmucky Lesnar did, and your drug test failure is too much!! You give off the impression that MMA athletes are just pill popping (injecting), and bullying goons! The thing is, Josh is a GOOD fighter, he is possibly one of the best wrestlers I've seen fight; not to mention articulate, and great on the microphone. Just sad.
I hope the PPV card still happens. I'll watch either way,
cos I love me some Fedor
As my wife would say :) I often wonder if Fedor, or Randy Couture is more of her ugly man crush or is it Wandy Silva???!!?!?
Onto a note about a friend, I'm not gonna say who it is, but I have this friend who may read this from time to time. I have recently seen pictures of some of her friends gathering at a function for someone who was once in their life. I'm sorry, but I don't get it. You should have your friend's back. Ya don't embrace someone when they do something douchey. You certainly don't celebrate them.
Ok, I'm off my friend soapbox. I don't even know if the person in question who may read this even agrees with my theories....however I'm sorry. You gotta support your peeps. I would not be that gregarious in my celebration when that person did something soo questionable.
I had this big, mega powerful work meeting today. It was in a hotel and everything. I feel so rocking and so Joe Corporate. If only I had a corporate card to put it on!! I just had a diet coke, but still!! There is something really funny about a roll up your sleeves kind of corporate meeting!


Why can't I post 2x in 24 hours?

Who can say that I can't? Huh, huh?? I wish I had the cynicism of my good friend, Rockstar Rollie Fingers. Though he is not the infamous Oakland A's relief Ace from the 1970's. I mean if it was Rollie Fingers, what would I talk to him about? His sharp mustache? See RR has the cool stuff happening, stuff that he can vent about. With his rockstar life in the Heights of Jersey City, and the new outdoor Beer Garden place that opened up.. I sure he was there 1 month ago during a pre opening shindig! Seriously, Rollie knows I love him! However, it's fun, and crazy being a parent to an almost 8 month old! Sometimes you run out of time!

I know everyone is awaiting my UFC 100 review. I will only say this, Georges St. Pierre is an incredible athlete, perhaps the best of his generation, and a true gentleman. Dan Henderson was out of line (but SO awesome) in hitting Michael Bisping with that flying forearm after he was already out cold. And Brock Lesnar was a total douche bag of the highest order in beating Frank Mir, and then getting into his face afterwards, and flipping the crowd off!

I mean, you don't get in the face of a guy you beat, and get all macho on him, that's bogus. Not to mention, I think that some of Frank's stand up was working prior to getting taken down, and just viciously pounded out


Why is it that I don't post more often??

I enjoy posting to this here blog thing, yet I have not been here since the beginning of July! Why is that? I find it so cathartic to post here... Perhaps it is because I have a very energetic almost 8 month old little boy who rocks my world on a daily basis!! :) I get it easy; at least I go to work here at gnirreF to break up my world being rocked!! Bicki has to be there all day!! In all seriousness, Tobin is embracing the world , it's awesome to see how he is growing and adapting.

I wish I knew more about President Obama's Healthcare initiative. I have to find out more about this. I know that the polls are sliding for him, and I keep hearing that this overhaul of healthcare is gonna cost some hyooooooooge amount. However, I really want to know about the meat and potatoes of what he is trying to do!!

Vicki and I have discovered a love of Captain Morgan's Mojito Beverage, as well as their Strawberry Daquiri Malt Beverage. Thanks to Kayly for introducing them to us during our Great weekend at Rehobeth Beach!! They are awesome!! Love embracing our inner white trash!!!

I'm so looking forward to the Affliction Clothing MMA card coming up on August 1st. Do you think that Josh Barnett can stand up to Fedor Emilianenko?? What do y'all think?

Any card that has Renato Sobral on it, I'm there. He can do the stand up, and he rocks the Ground game!