
Obligatory End of the year blog posting

So, it looks like 2014 is about to be completed, huh?  Just a short note here to say "hey thanks for checking the blog out from time to time". I know I have not updated as much as I should have, however it is something I endeavor to do more and more of in 2015. I really think it is a good companion piece to The One Guy Talking Podcast.  After all, this blog was the inspiration for the podcast. The podcast has been going strong for 2+years. I'm starting to really hit my stride.

Dare I say, I have had some very creative shows (and some less than creative ones). I've made some good Facebook Friends in some people that have come on the show, and really opened up and talked about their craft/sport/art, but  also shown the kind of person they are as well. So many thanks to Rosi Sexton , Jens Pulver , Nate Quarry , Karen from WORM, and Virginia Jones.  Whether they were fighters, comics or musicians.. they opened up, and managed to goof around and show a different side of themselves.

I always strive to at least have an interesting conversation, one that I would have w/ a friend or even a stranger sitting next to me on a train.  It was cool to hear  Jens talk about his anxiety disorder that he battles, Rosi talk about how difficult it is to retire from the fight game, Karen talk about juggling HR and music, and Virginia talking about comedy and making out to Radiohead's "OK Computer" as a kid.

Thanks Guys! I'm very excited to do the show going forward. I just did an hour and 15 minutes solo, 2 nights ago. No guests! Very proud. Hope it was interesting. I dug it. Bodes well for the future.

Right now, Vicki and Tobin are up in Pennsylvania doing the visit grandma thing. I've been solo hanging w/ the dogs and cats! It's surreal and kinda lame. This whole being alone bit. It's too quiet. Don't dig it. I miss the chaos of a certain six year old dropping the F bomb and making Roussimar Palhares jokes! :) I miss my gorgeous wife keeping me in line, or frustrating me, ... often at the same time! lol

Seriously Vicki is amazing... very supportive, and I'm truly a lucky guy to be married to someone so great. I feel that we have produced a very sweet, very intelligent boy. Tobin challenges, and pushes boundaries. While those are qualities that somewhat exasperating to see in your child, I feel that it does society good in the end to push the envelope a bit.

So yeah, looks like life is heading along ok. Family is awesome and healthy. New Job is going okish (performing fine..etc etc), school is going great (rocking the 4.0!) and hey, I'm kind of happy, and smiling... :)

What about you?

Speak soon!