
Old People! What's up w/ them!!!?

It's Saturday.  Having a really really really nice day. The family and I went on a nice hike. Toby dug it.We checked out butterflies,AND the St. John's River. You can't beat that, right?  I wish we  had time to explore more of the area; Castaway Island Preserve.  Pretty cool place. Pretty awesome to get away from The City, and not even leave the city!!
So, on to old people...(or should I say, "old person").  For ages, and ages, my Dad has been saying "let me take you out to Dinner".... "I want to take you out to Dinner"....  "You always treat me , why can't I take you to Dinner?" etc.etc.etc.  Nice sentiment.. Right??   A true passing of the torch, of one generation, a member of "The Greatest Generation" reaching out to a younger, perhaps less accomplished bunch of peeps.     
Dad, that sounds like a great idea!! Where do you want to go... some new Jacksonville hotspot? Some hip, underground off the beaten path bistro??...

Nope... I want to go to The Olive Garden....  Um..... what??? :)  Out of  all the restaurants.... from classic cuisine type places, to family type places.... THAT'S where you wnt to go???
I guess that Dad wanted, because that is where I just found myself eating  on a Saturday night.  In fact, ONE Olive Garden was so busy, and we were unable to get into it to eat... SO we drove 15 minutes to go to ANOTHER Olive Garden!!  Gotta love it right? The food was edible, and it was fine... however I don't need to go to another one for another 15 years or so....  Once you hit the age of 15 or so.. I don't have the desire to hit a chain restaurant!!

Not to mention that on the way to the car; Dad had long sleeve jacket on.... It was not exactly arctic temperatures outside! It was 90 degrees outside, and my Pops has a jacket on....man, where is the glamor, the excitement, the "Gravitas" of growing older?? I certainly don't see it...

I'm not saying that I wan't to die young exactly; I'm just saying that I think only Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis,Jr. got growing older down pat. Yeah, they didn't take care of themselves; but they kept their fashion sense, and hipness to the end.

I bet they never even stepped foot in an Olive Garden, btw:)


The week of the Tummy Flu

Greetings. I write to you on Sunday.  Today is literally the first day I've been able to get out of bed and do anything remotely human!  It has been a tough, tough week in the Sincoff household!!  I usually like to state proudly (and loudly)  that we really keep it retty real up in this hizzouse over here.  Alas, this week has not been the case for The Sincoff's!

Well, to start, Mr.T  came down w/ this ghastly tummy thing that knocked him out for like, maybe one day.  Monday morning comes around, and I get up all nice, and how do ya do. I leave Vick w/T and I'm like "see ya" in a Don Draper kind of Monday way (minus the scotch, nice suits, cigarettes, and other stuff, of  course)  .... I left V to it, to be a trooper, and the super ma' that she truly is!

In the back of my mind, I'm goin' "Geeze, this does not bode well for my clan"... And then, being the brilliant sort that I am... I pushed that thought out of my mind.  Silly ol' me!  I should have factored the logical equation of : Toddler + Preshool = Tummy Bug that can totally destroy 2 parents!! I am so naive like that, y'know??!

Well, V, got sick first on Tuesday night. I can honestly say that I was truly,truly worried about her! I've never seen ANYONE get as sick as she did that night.  For her to ask me to stay home on Wednesday to take care of T... is a true testament to the fact that the wasn't feeling well. On Wed, I got T. up, got him dressed, took him to PreSchool, picked him up,took him to lunch and the playground to give Vick some time to chill.

Little did I know what was in store for me......

I get up and off to work on Thursday, no problem. I'm doing my work, and staying out of trouble (woo hoo!)!  However, about 2pm, the tide begins to turn...  I literally felt myself getting ill...I could feel all sorts of yucky stuff build and build up :(  Yet, trooper that I was, I did not get out of work early (to be fair, I had a conference call that I had to be on w/ my boss).

Thursday into Friday were horrible for me. I hope I was not THAT miserable!!  Saturday I began to feel  better (AND WE GOT A KITTY CAT!!! ANOTHER BLOG POST ON THAT SOON!) , and today, while sore, I'm about 75% Regular Ethan....  In fact,as an FYI, Jon "Bones"Jones fought Rashad Evans last night,and I did not even watch The UFC!! THAT's how sick I was :-P LOLOL

Oh well,finally back to normal(ish), right?!