Our good friend Susannah came over this weekend to help us work in the Nursery for Mr.T. It was awesome to see her, and she was such a help. She seems really at peace, and full of hell!! I think she is in a good place now!
Vicki finally said "yes" to maid service. The Maids (tm) came in here the other day, and they literally kicked some major butt! You could eat off of the floor here!! I'm totally loving it. Hopefully we can keep it up, and keep the place looking ok. I will try and get some pics up here so you can see how nice it looks!
Dude, I just finished watching Spike TV's "The Ultimate Fighter", and there is this fighter who was born in Poland, and moved to Canada @ age ten named Krzysztof Soszynski. He is one scary MF'er!!! I would not want to meet him in alley, dark, or otherwise!! In all seriousness, the fight he was in today was over too quickly for me to judge if he is the real deal, or not. However, he seems like he can "impose his will" when he wants to in the Octagon!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Randy "The Natural" Couture against Brock Lesnar at the UFC event in Las Vegas this Saturday! Randy has managed to fight Father Time off, and be a true inspiration. He also seems like one of the most genuine, nicest guys in MMA. So, my hat is off to you, Captain America!!!
We will be at the in-laws this weekend. We will get to see my favorite Pennsylvanians, Kayly and Nate Newcomer!!!! (and Ethan, and Holden, and pets) Hopefully, there will be a little bit o'wine flowing.
A question for Vicki and Kayly to ponder: if you guys dig Keith Olbermann so much, why don't you dig Anderson Cooper? You would think he would be up your alley!!