

Well, it's over. What can I say? Everything we hoped, wished and worked for did not end up as enough. I Truly don't understand America, and what the people here want. Don't get it. Don't get why people in like Ohio would vote AGAINST their economic status to put a big business loving prick like George W. Bush in for another 4 years.

Religious Right, baby. They are powerful. Get ready ladies, cos at the rate we are going, there are gonna be no abortions in this country soon. Get ready to have all of your civil liberties taken away, and get ready to be even more ostracized in the world picture.

Fuck you Laura Bush. Fuck you George W. Fuck you Lynne Cheney and Dick Cheney. Most of all, fuck all of you scared, "God Fearing" Fox News Listening backwards Assed Motherfuckers who live out in the hinterland the flyover country. You gave us 4 more years of this asshole.

I hope you don't have any children fighting that stupid war in Iraq.

And, finally, fuck you to all the yuppies who forgot where they came from, and voted for this asshole.

Props to John Kerry for being a too honorable, and decent Democratic candidate for President of the United States.

Fuck you Ohio, and Fuck you Florida! You both suck.



I am almost crazy w/ anticipation awaiting the election results. Let's hope that America decides to make a turn from embracing the whores, and whoremasters of the Bush Regime. It's time to walk towards the light, and retreat from the politics of darkness and entrenchment. The disenfranchisement of minority voters, bastardization of Gays, the horrible economy, the horribly designed war in Iraq, and the rise of the Religious Right alone show that we need to go Democrat.

I don't think we'll ever see such a morally bankrupt administration in our lifetime again!


OK. I'm nervous. I'm gonna go vomit now.


366 Days O'Bliss

It was exactly one year ago (and a day, because 2004 is a leap year) that I was lucky enough to marry one Vicki Sincoff (nee, Kleinfelter). I think that those in the know who read this space know the trials and tribulations we've been through. From difficult news about Vicki's pregnancy last December, to months of mourning before the baby was born, to Baby Sam's eventual birth, and then tragic passing 1 month later, it's been tough.

When you factor in my getting laid off the week I returned from bereavement time (Nice company IMPATH is... hope they all drop dead), my father's multiple illnesses, and evacuations from his house due to hurricanes... it's been exhausting. Still; there has been utter sheer magic in this year. I could not think of a better wife, and best friend than Vicki. She is someone who I laugh and enjoy the magic of the good times, and cry through the heartache and the loss with.

After all, Lou Reed said that there is a lot of Magic in Life, and some loss to even things out!!!

Thank u Vicki for being you . I love you an incredible amount

Big Props to John Kerry. I'm voting for you on Tuesday. More political stuff manana!