

Kate the young hip girlfriend O'Kirk's said "Ethan you look Ripped"!! My weight lifting is paying off :)

Now, if only I could lose 57 pounds!!

It was 34 Years ago today....

That I was born on this big blue marble. Christ, I'm old. I've gone from a premature kid born in Plainfield, NJ (Dad was watching Bob Gibson and the St. Louis Cardinals pitch a no hitter against the N Y Mets in the waiting room) @ Muhlenberg Hospital, to an unemployed, happily married gym going hipster in Jersey City NJ. Ain't life grand?

Had a pretty good Bday, actually. Yesterday was the big celebration for it. Susannah, Kirk, Kate (Kirk's new young cool girlfriend) Bicki and I went out for sushi at Avenue A Sushi in the East Village. A good time, and sushi-riffic fun was had by all. Even the angry, Canadian Lesbian girl who was our waitress... No sweet, smiling deferring Asian waitress for us.. nuh uh. We had straight up angry Bull Dyke from the Great White North, bebbe.

Then of course it was a couple of drinks at St. Dymphnas. Great bar, but the INS should still raid the place, and send all the illegal English construction workers who drink there back to places like Somerset, and Wolverhampton, if you wiiill!

Got a couple o' good pressies including the Modest Mouse CD, the Jenna Jamison Bio "How to Make love like a Porn Star" (she's such a FILTHY slut) and some other stuff.

Tonight was the Franz Ferdinand show, and dinner at Marco and Pepe's!

Gotta love bands who sound like Roxy Music, and Iggy Pop and David Bowie from Glasgow.


Lions and Tigers and Bears

Oh My. Yes, as you can see from my picture postings, Vicki and I were busy this weekend. No we were not opening up an exotic theme park silly billy! We had went to the Brox Zoo with our loyal friend Ms. Susannah. A good time was had by all, and lots o' animals were seen. There were lot's of mysterious black squirrels running around as well, which aren't so exotic, but would be cool if Lulu had been there, she coulda checked them out. I wonder if she would have liked meeting a bison or something. Would Fred befriend a red panda? Makes you think.

Seriously, check out the good kids at the bronx zoo . You will have a great time, and bring the little tykes as well! Put your walking shoes on because you shall need them. My wheels are still aching 2 days later! Even though yesterday was spent at the lovely Shingleton household eating grilled beef, and drinking adult beverages!! Imagine that, an unemployed person celebrating Labor Day! HA HA HA

Now that's political--do you hear me Bono Vox??

Yes, same tiger is now looking at Susannah's chest, and DEFINITELY approves :) Posted by Hello

A small Indian child is about to be eaten by a fierce Bengali tiger.. how appropriate and geographically correct! Posted by Hello

Fred hates his new hooded sweatshirt, but we think it looks great, seriously Posted by Hello