
Mr. T is Arriving Soon!

What begin as a regular old day at the old pharmaceutical workplace was jolted into something totally unexpected 2 days ago. Vicki called me at work, after just leaving her OB/GYN appointment. "Guess what?" my lovely bride asked me. "What's that?" said the sharp husband.


It took me a moment to process this information. While, I knew T was coming, there was just a vague date of December 12Th. However, now, with a true delivery date set in stone!! I was blown away! I can't wait for him to come into this world. I will be the best Dad I can be! I promise. It was just surreal to finally get a date, set in stone. I know, that by the time December 4Th, 2008 passes into December 5Th, 2008; Vicki and I will be parents..

It truly is an amazing, amazing fact. I'm ready for the challenge! I am ready to support my beautiful wife to make sure she doesn't go totally insane w/ the demands of motherhood!! I promise :) You may have to excuse me if I seem like my head is in the clouds...... because, since Tuesday afternoon, it truly has been!!! I can not wait for this sweet little boy to arrive!!!

To talk about politics for a moment, I wonder if you guys watched the Obama infomercial? Vicki and I watched. I must say, I found it incredibly moving. The unique stories that were depicted of everyday working Americans really connected. I felt Barack Obama really explained his platform, and his reasons for being President of the United States over Senator John McCain.

I have to be honest, and let you know that the stories brought me to tears. The various stories of Americans, like the elderly retired African American couple in Ohio, where the husband had to go back to work at 75 yrs old (after working 30+ years on the railroad) at Walmart to pay for his wife's arthritis medicine, to the unemployed former Ford plant guy reading to his daughter in Kentucky, to the teacher in New Mexico. It showed ordinary Americans, struggling to keep their heads above water.

My 80 year old father from Florida called me after the program was over, confessing he was teary eyed too. "I think he (Obama) is going to be a wonderful President" he said.... "What an amazing piece of film".... I agree on both counts. Sure, the film was propaganda, but it rang true, and the production values were amazing.

I swear, I am sooooooo ready for November 4th!! I find myself constantly going to Huffingtonpost.com, and fivethirtyeight.com to make sure the polls are still going on Obama's favor..... my head will pop off my head and float away real soon w/ the stress. The day after election day can not come soon enough!!

Aside from campaign burnout, and the arrival of Mr. T soon, the other reason I can not wait to get past Election Day is that finally, after 17 years of waiting, Guns n'Roses "Chinese Democracy" will FINALLY be released!!!!! I wonder why NOW, why 2008 is the year that Axl Rose finally decided to put this opus out!! I must say that I've always had faith that it would one day see the light of day. Vick and I have been to a few of the later day (Buckethead version,and Bumblehead version) versions of the Gunners concerts. Axl still puts on an amazing show.

Mega props to the J.D. Salinger of Rock n'roll for putting this album out. I always knew you could do it, Axl!!!! Thank you :)


I love the Sunday New York Times!

There is this hyoooooge article in the Sunday Magazine called "John McCain- The Making (and remaking and remaking) of the Candidate". It is an incredibly well done article. Basically, it details the multiple directions, the multiple narratives that the McCain campaign has tried to undertake since the Republican Convention. Apparently, there is hyooooge infighting going on behind the scenes! People are pointing fingers at each other. My ol' buddy, Steve Schmidt (who is described as "glowering" "while smoking and checking his Blackberry") seems to have quite the bit of blame levelled at him.

Couldn't happen to a better con man!! I hope that this race ends, Barack Obama gets OVERWHELMINGLY elected to the Presidency, and Steve Schmidt, and Nicole Wallace of the McCain Campaign will NEVER be able to work in politics again!! I'm sure this is naive of me to think that, however. White collar crime, my friends.... No one is ever "untouchable". I'm sure some GOP thingamabob race will hire Steve-o to manage some campaign. That's alas the way the wind blows in DC.

The people in the McCain Campaign are already sending resumes' out, apparently. Kinda like rats jumping off a ship. Love it. Looooooove it!! McCain was on "Meet the Press" this morning, and swore to Tom Brokaw that "I promise you (Tom Brokaw) that you are gonna be up awful late on election night. We will win this." Chuck Todd, who was on the next segment was like "what Kool-Aid is THAT man drinking?" Todd actually showed a map to the 270 electoral votes where Obama could lose Pennsylvania and Florida, if he had to lose them. He's made serious inroads, serious leads in Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. Just amazing stuff.

Did anyone else see the cute 5Th grader asking Joe Biden what the Vice Presidency is about in Palm Beach County, Florida? I like Joe's answer, much more than Sarah Palin's. However, why doesn't he mentioned the tie breaking Senate vote that the VP has? Hey, Liberals, keep the faith! You know the writing may soon be on the wall when Karl Rove says McCain has a very steep hill to climb! David Frum, (Mr. Axis of Evil speechwriter) is even writing this election off as well. We shall see.

Of course, Joe Lieberman is now talking about how much he respects Barack Obama!

We have had a pretty groovy weekend. I've managed to chill out, relax, and get some quality nap time in today. I watched UFC 90 Silva vs. Cote last night. There were some decent fights (Thiago Alves vs. Josh Koscheck/Sean Sherk vs. Tyson Griffin) so it was totally worth watching!! However, Anderson Silva, who is one of my favorite fighters, a guy who looks like he is totally dominating his opponents; phoned it in last night against Patrick Cote. Silva ended up winning in Round 3 (first time he has had to go to the 3rd round in the UFC) when Cote tore his Meniscus. However, it was NOT a great performance by "The Spider".

Finally, I have rediscovered a newer version of a show that I was waaaaay into when I was a teen! Yes, I have found "Degrassi-The Next Generation". Yes, I have to admit, it is a guilty pleasure. If you need to kill a half hour, and you want to see the issues that today's (Canadian) teens are dealing with, I totally recommend it. Also, fans of the Original "Degrassi Junior High" will be happy to hear that the character "Spike", yes the chick w/ the Mohawk, is back, is an adult, and HER kid goes to Degrassi now!!!

Yeah, I know I'm gonna be a dad in like, 6 weeks!! I have to chill out sometimes!!