
It's a rainy Friday

And of course it is laundry day today. Nothing is better than schlepping a load of dirty undies and concert t-shirts to the laundromat around the corner in a torrential tropical island like downpour.  The woman who runs the shop, who always gives me the evil eye like "why is a man doing laundry?!" (she's Asian) has  not fixed any of the machines since the Gerald Ford Administration in 1975.  Everything is broken (and I'm not talkin' the Bob Dylan song that some of us may remember)

So after towelling off from moving said dirty laundry from washer to dryer, I realized that a certain headhunter type guy has called me regarding one of the positions I submitted my resume to via the  lovely hotjobs.com.  See kids, don't despair, those search engines really do work, and the profits don't go to keep Kids in sweatshops, or whatever.  I left him a voicemail so we shall see.

It's shaping  up to be an interesting weekend. First off, tomorrow day--Vicki & your's truly will be hosting a cookout for the folks on the John Kerry for President list here in the NY area. With friends coming as well, it looks like we're gonna have like 30 peeps or so.   There will be grilling/BBQing a plenty. Let's hope it can do some good, and that people make use of the donation sheets that will be passed around.  From what I'm reading, it's gonna be a very, very close race.  I just dont get how working class America can support such a Republican like GW.  He can't even run touting the war in Iraq, it's such a mess there.

After that, for all you boxing fans that are out there, Saturday night is a great super lightweight fight  matching Arturo "Thunder" Gatti (from Jersey City, via Montreal!) for Leonard "The Lion" Dorin (from Montreal via Bucharest Romania!) check out  this site here for more info on these 2 great warriors.  If you want to see a fight w/ tons o'action check this out.

Aside from that, Perhaps my career path should be one of ring cutman?  Can you see me w/ the vaseline on my arm, trying to close a fighters' gash over his eye, screaming "give me the endswell , now dammit"?

Just a thought, more later.


Folks, Mrs. Sincoff is a hot chick! Posted by Hello

Awww, isn't that a great picture of my gorgeous bride Vicki and I?! :) Posted by Hello

Your faithful, and humble narrator! Posted by Hello

Where did the day go?

I have managed to get a lot accomplished.  The job search is going ok, but I'm kind of scared to look into this one lead I may have. I hate the "yeah Ethan, we've actually decided to go in another direction" call. It just sucks.  Bring on the 2nd paycheck in the Sincoff family! :)

First off, what the fuck is up with Jimmy Buffett?  I mean, like who knew right?  I thought that he was a joke and all... Mr. Margueritaville and all.. That surely is a sign of  the decline of  Western Civilization, right???  Oh well, maybe I've been too much of a shut in as of late.

I've forgotten how great a band Wilco was/is.  I'm listening to their debut album from 1995 called "AM" right now.. It totally rocks. Sounds like it could come out today. I have to rediscover their more recent albums. I mean they just put out a new  one, but I have to buy/burn the last 3. The last one I purchased was the double CD.

Sigh,  can't the US government pay you for just being cool :)!?  This job search thang is for the birds.... What if I never find a job?  I'm sure I'm exaggerating, right?  Maybe I can grow my hair a bit longer and join one of them NY bands like the Yeah Yeah Yeah's or Strokes? Huh huh? Whaddaya think?

Ceefa Sincoff! Posted by Hello

Emma looking black and mysterious Posted by Hello

Zelda, Emma and Ceefa Sincoff. These guys, along w/ Fred and Lulu are the permanent animals who run the house. Posted by Hello

This is Fred Sincoff. I find this yawning picture to be the most disturbing thing EVER! :) Posted by Hello

Lulu the dog, ladies and gentlemen! Posted by Hello

So I should be job hunting, but

My new favorite toy is sooo much more interesting . Oh don't worry dear reader(s?) There will be tons o' fine tuning being done on this hear thang. So far today, has been very productive. I have to get the picture of the 3rd kitten up on the blog he kinda looks like the tabby one. The 3 of them are really really inquisitive. Fred and Lulu, our dogs love having them around the house.

Just a note on the kittens. The reason Vicki (my lovely wife) and I are fostering them is the fact our local animal shelter was completely full. They were going to have to start euthanizing animals, even ones that could be adopted because there was no space. So, go out and support your local animal shelter, even if it means just volunteering or something. They do a good thing . Ok, that's my schpiel for now.

I was reading on the rachelandthecity website, and she posted something about how she is getting so old (we're in the same age bracket-I'm 33) that she is starting to hear musical references of the alternative bands she grew up with in the new bands of today... I TOTALLY dig where she is coming from. I mean, I love Interpol, but can they sound any more like Joy Division? C'mon, I'm not stupid.

Apparently, there are a ton of Electronic bands comin' out of Brooklyn (or Crooklyn, as the kids on the street call it) that sound like Depeche Mode circa 1983! Jimini Christmas! :P

But the kids are buying it, and it DOES sound good, but does that make it right???

C'mon dudes, they are real quote, and need a home. Email me : blurfan00@yahoo.com if you are in the NYC area Posted by Hello

Anyone interested in adopting some cute kittens we are fostering currently? They are sweet, and have tons of attitude! Posted by Hello

In the Beginning

Ok. Well here we are w/ the first posting to my blog here. I don't know if anyone else is going to be reading this aside from myself---but we shall see!  -What purpose will this blog serve?  Who knows!  Just a soapbox for me to talk about the world, music, pop culture, etc.  If I talk about  the new Interpol album, or the election--I'm sure a good time shall be had by all