Former short list VP candidate, Florida Governor (and extremely tan man of Greek Extraction) Charlie Christ chose to go to Disneyworld today, rather than campaign for John McCain :) He said "If I get a chance to campaign later, I'll get to it". :) Can you hear an overweight lady singing somewhere, maybe? Not saying anything til the Republican concession speech on Election night.

Had a very mellow weekend. Enjoyed spending time w/ Vicki, and hearing Tobin trying to kick big time. I'm on a big British Mystery kick, and I'm really enjoying the latest John Harvey novel. It's gritty, and set in Industrial Nottingham! Gotta love that. "The Life and Times of Tim" is just laugh out loud funny! I mean, really, really funny.
"True Blood" keeps on getting better and better. It may be one of the most enjoyable hours on TV, period. It's up there with "Mad Men". I'm not sure what the whole Don Draper in Palm Springs thing was. However, it was awesome to see him potentially explore who he truly is.
Hows about Richard Lewis on "Countdown"?? Tell it like it is, Richard!!
Hey! You said The Child's name aloud!! Are y'all public with that now?
Ooops! I guess we are now :)
Yep - I was going to comment on the name thing too! I love that name. Well chosen that couple. You'll hear no gripings from this corner :o)
Where'd you get that picture of Steve, and more importantly what's going on behind him in that picture??? That woman looks like she is only wearing a bra, right???
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