
Hey Kids, Happy Hanukkah!!

Well howdy everybody.  Perhaps I have been a bit remiss in not posting since my initial entry since we've moved down to Flo-Rida. I really do apologize.  I hope that my friends and compatriots in climates much colder than I am in are enjoying their respites from Winter!!  Soon enough, y'alls will be getting your sidewalk salts, and your snowblowers set up,your ice scrapers, and your DeIcer (if you will). I feel for ya, I truly do.

It's 80 plus degrees here today in Jax! Gots to love it.  Reason enough to move down here!! Got to work on all the hyoooooge bible fans, and the Right Wing Fascists, but one thing at a time! My Dad says that "you don't move down here for the intellectuals, or for the liberal politics!!!"  You really have to represent that!!!   I do dig never having to worry about snow here again!!!

We had a good Thanksgiving. Went down to my Dad's w/ the family. Unfortunately, Toby was not feeling well! Vicki offered to stay home at Dad's with him, while I went out w/ Dad, Aunt Cynthi and cousin Sherri and her husband, David!  It was the first time since I saw Sherri and David since my wedding 8 yrs ago. We had a great time laughing, telling stories, and making fun of all the Republican candidates vying for the nomination Do you folks have Mitt Romney fever as much as I do?? What a well thought out individual, who is so sincere in his convictions, huh??!

Going off to Pennsyltucky come Dec. 28th to see Shirley K. (my M-I-L. Psyched to see her!) and the Divine Ms. Newcomer (and Family!!). Shirley is actually flying back with us to enjoy some sunshine and mild weather.  First time flying for her. Soon enough she will be a pro at it, and flying down all the time. Simply because she can, and she deserves nice weather!!


I've been really really bad.. There's this thing about Florida

In not writing anything the past several months!  There is soo much to catch up on.  I really enjoyed doing this whole blog thing, and I don't know why I have not been posting.  I think a portion of it had to do w/ m.   getting really bummed whenever I would vent like I used to . It's like, I have a pretty groovy life, why should I act like I'm miserable, y'know?? As a resut I came to a decsion where I just would not post while I worked on some things in my life.

I"m happy to report that there has been some exciting news in the past several months that I've been absent from blog land!!  We've moved to Florida. Jacksonville, to be precise! We moved back in July. I'd been looking for a job in a warmer part of the country for quite some time!  The past winter was just waaaaaaay too intense for my liking!! Vicki turned to me and went "Find a job where there is F*cking palm trees!" 

I'd been looking for a gig in the South for quite a while before that.  I just wanted to get to a place where I was closer to my Dad, and that had a better climate. I mean, why can't Tobin have a  relationship w/ his Grandfather, right? Nothing wrong w/ that! I wanted Dad to be more than just someone T saw on Thanksgiving, and once during the summer!

So I began to send my resume out (and out, and out and out). I interviewed all over the Southeast. From Florida, to Alabama, to Georgia.  I went on several interviews, until I landed the interview at this large retailer that eventually gave me a job offer.   They offered me the job on a Monday night, and I flew down on a Thursday, and found an apartment 2 days later.

3 weeks later we had a move planned, and we were on the road to Jacksonville. 2 cars, a wife, a son, 2 dogs, and a (sickly) cat all made the trip down. We all made it in one piece too.

The lifestyle down here is pretty chill. I do dig that it is the middle of November, and I'm wearing shorts and flip flops right now. While I still struggle w/ depression and emotions, it is not as intense. There is truly something about a warmer, sunnier climate making me feel better! There are tons of evangelicals, and conservative Republicans down here, but what can you do.

Tobin and Vicki love it here! Tobin will be a surf and skate punk in no time. I totally can see him borrowing my Black Flag tapes at some point!

More blogs will be appearing now that I'm back in it!

Props to:

  • Vicki and Tobin for being the greatest Wife and Son ever!!
  • Alfredo Angulo and James Kirkland for having the best fight I've seen in years on HBO last weekend.
  • Canary in the Coal Mine for putting on a great show @ Mojo #4 the other night! It is soo awesome to move to a new place that you fear may be totally conservative, and to find a great band that can make the "scene" a littler more groovier!!