
Aaah The Mystery

So when I post (trying to do that more often) There is an anonymous poster that has made some comments to some of my postings.. I wonder who this dark and mysterious person may be? James Lipton of The Actors Studio? Former Senator Max Cleland? (who is "stumping for Kerry" right now. HA HA HA)

Post on you anonymous poster you!!!!

Get it, stumping for Kerry?? He lost 3 limbs in Vietnam ... so he's "stumping for Kerry"......

Perhaps it is portly former lead singer of Motely Crue Vince Neil???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not the anonymous poster. I'm the wife who's upset that my husband stole my Max Cleland joke and didn't give me proper credit. Dude, just cuz we're married doesn't mean even my INTELLECTUAL property is half yours...Write your own jokes, Bubbe.