
A Fight worth Paying Double for

For those (all 2 of you who read this) of you out there who wonder why I'm a boxing fan, there's a fight on PPV tonight between Erik Morales and Manny Pacquiao that will explain why.. It is going to showcase 2 130lb guys, who simply do not know the word quit (literally). After all the bad heavyweight fights, where there are 2 fat guys hitting each once every round, after all the BAD things that come out of boxing... It's gonna be so awesome for good stuff to happen for the sport.

Every once in a while, there are fighters who come along, who are SO passionate about what they do, you can't help but be a fan, and also be completely humbled by how much they leave of themselves in the ing each time they fight. It makes you wonder how they come back for more. I'm sure coming from poverty helps.. Erik is from Tijuana, Mexico , and Manny is from the Philippines. Neither of those communities have a plethora of wealthy people... I think these guys both turned pro at age 15!

Irregardless of my musings here. I just had to say, this fight tonight is what makes you a boxing fan. It's so good a match up, that you don't mind sitting thru a year's worth of bad decisions, and one sided knockouts!! The whole card is gonna rock as well!

So to Erik "El Terrible" Morales , and Manny "The Pac Man" Pacquiao, I wish you both well tonight.. I'm slightly favoring Erik for some solid technical, and personal reasons... but both guys are excellent fighters.

There really are no losers w/ a fight like tonight!!

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