
"I'm Sorry, but you're Just Not right for our band--INXS, God Bless"

Have y'all seen the show? It is quite possibly the most fascinating television you will see this summer! It's amazing, and incredible for many reasons. Most of all, it's a train wreck! You have an aging , faceless band, looking for an incredibly charismatic lead singer. Now, INXS was great,... WHEN MICHAEL HUTCHENSE was alive (did you remember he died masturbating?!)

The whole show reeks of desparation, and I love it. The girl singers on the show (none of whom have a chance of winning, btw) are slutty, and wear belly shirts... and the guys are all questionably straight, and either "cocky" or "earnest"... Love it.. Brooke Burke is almost illiterate as a very hot, but very dumb hostess. Dave Navarro looks like he is about to join NAMBLA.. also.

As for the members of INXS, to paraphrase Charlie Manson, "They got old on us, baby".. They are leathery and wear sun glasses inside... and I love each and every one of them deeply, especially Garry Gary Beers!

That catchphrase rocks , doesn't it?!?!?!?? I mean c'mon IT'S IN THE TITLE OF THE TV SHOW!!! WHY SAY IT AS A CATCHPHRASE!?!? :) It will be this year's "Where's the Beef?"

Onto personal news, the baby front is progressing swimmingly . Vick had her 2nd OB/GYN visit the other day, and Baby Sincoff is the size of a pinto bean, and Vick is 8 weeks pregnant. All things going ok, Bean (our nickname for the little one) will be arriving into this world on March 18th. We have our first ultrasound on Monday night. I'm cautiously ecstatic!

It's an amazing feeling, knowing your gonna be a dad. I totally reccomend to you hipster guys reading this (Who reads this but me!?). ...... Go on, The Strokes and Interpol give you permission!!!!

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