
I loves me some Rosh Hashanah

It is Tuesday, and I'm sitting at home chilling out! It is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Today is year 5768 of aggravation, neurosis, guilt and survival for the Jewish People! I may celebrate by getting lost in a desert, or baking some matzos on my back or something :) While Vicki and I are not a synagogue going couple yet in Morris County; we are totally culturally Jewish at least. Who know's what is ahead? I'm sure that with Mr. T coming into the world, we will find a synagogue for the family to join. Hopefully, he can find Hebrew School just as annnoying as I did! LOLOL

Speaking of our Mr. T., I do have some new ultrasound pictures for you, dear reader!! This is from Friday's week 29 ultrasound:

There is some debate in the Sincoff household as to just who he looks like :) I think he has Vicki's nose! Vicki says he has my chin!! I'd be interested to see what everyone else thinks!

What did everyone else think of the debate? While watching it objectively, I thought McCain did far better than I thought he would. However, when I woke up and read a variety of blogs, and stuff online, people were saying that Obama came off as more presidential, and that McCain came off as angry, twitchy, and just; old! hmmmm I guess it is that 1960 analogy of Nixon having the 5 o'clock shadow against Kennedy in their debate that put JFK over the top!

Who woulda thunk that, right??

1 comment:

Vicki said...

We make purdy fetuses. :)