
Obligatory Birthday Post

Well, the clock just switched over to September 9th. I turn 38 years old today. Christ. How OLD is that, man?? :) I remember when I used to hit all of the bars in the East Village, and close them w/ the Miller Man. Thankfully, my life is a little different now. I see that the Little Bambino, Mr. T is kicking up a storm in Vicki's belly. I can't wait for him to get out into this world, and liven things up. I need to teach him the Rampage Howl! LOL

Vicki is taking me out to dinner tomorrow night. We are checking out a Greek/Mediterranean place. She also got us tickets to see Squeeze and James @ Radio City Music Hall next week! She is the most thoughtful, awesomest wife, eeeeeeeeeeever!!

Went to watch the UFC PPV "Breakthrough w/ Andy at Q Time in Parsippany. We shot some pool, and I actually did decently. I need to practice a bit more. However, it was kind of funny, and sad at the same time to see Chuck Liddell get KTFO'D by Rashad Evans. It was a brutal, brutal KO. Just viscious.

What the hell is up w/ this election? I don't want to be all political and stuff. However, Obama vs. McCain should be a no brainer. I just don't get people. Period.

Screw Sarah Pallin, btw.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ethan!
So go on YouTube and look up Sarah Palin. She apparently belongs to an Assembly of God church where they speak in tongues. Nice.
Also- this morning heard commercial that was talking about change and not 4 years of the same- and looked up expecting to see Obama- and it was McCain! THey have the same exact message now! Nice.... campaigning by confusion.

Mummy said...

Hope you have/had a truly fabulous birthday. Enjoy your last one free before babydom hits - next year you'll be getting a card made and signed by little man!!!

Soupie said...

Love the blog Mr Sincoff!! But can you stop going on about how old you are since you're younger than me!!!!!! ;)