
My Obama Family Dream

With the election literally around the corner, I wanted to take a moment, and share something lighthearted that has arisen as result of the Obama Campaign. In watching Barack Obama campaign for the past 20 months or so, I truly feel like I've gotten to know both him, and Michelle, his wife!! I know that this dream/fantasy thing is something that I share with Vicki's BFF, Kayly, as we have talked in depth about it. I wanted to just drop it in here right now:

I think that with the right bit of luck, and some chutzpah, Vicki and I can become close pals of the Obama's!!

They truly seem like the greatest family! It looks like Michelle and Barack are ultra in love, and are great parents to Malia and Sasha. Vicki and I can end up being true pals with the Obama's, we're talking being invited over to the White House and stuff!! ("Ethan, call me Barack. None of this Mr. President stuff.")I see our friendship forming and bonding in the following ways:

1) First, we all gots to get out and Vote on Election Day on Tuesday!! Let's hope everything goes our way!!

2) All things pointing the way the do now, Barack Obama gets elected President of the United States!! Of course, the lovely Michelle Obama, will become our First Lady. Barack will get sworn in on January 20th, 2009!!!

3) Vicki and I will write them a sassy, cute "welcome to the White House/Congratulations" card. In which, we are witty, and charming. We describe our support for the Campaign, and how much Barack's candidacy has meant to us. We also tell the Obama's the following: The next time you come to New Jersey, why don't you come over to our house for dinner!!

4) We conclude the letter by including a picture of Vicki and I, as well as pictures of Fred and Lulu! The pictures of the 2 most loveable Shih Tzu's around will certainly seal this in our favor once Malia and Sasha sees their pictures, how could they resist?

I see the friendship starting out slowly at first. Then, perhaps after a few swings thru NJ, Barack and I will talk sports, and stuff, and I'll make him laugh. From that laugh, and Vicki bonding w/ Michelle and the kids(I think Michelle will love Vicki's sass!), we will get invited to the White House!!

Then, weekends at Camp David!! I tell you, friendships will be formed!!!

1 comment:

Mike C said...

Your home can become known the "Jersey White House" or the "White House North" when the Obamas travel through.
Man, I can't wait for this to be done! I will be nervous all day..I will be up early to vote. I am expecting a big turnout this year.
Hey, my former college roommate interviewed Barack on his radio show today: http://werlv.com/pages/1986019.php?contentType=4&contentId=1870015

Sounds like all is going very well in the Sincoff household! Excellent