
The Baby and the Bathwater

Tobe took his first tub bath today. I actually thought he kind of enjoyed it! He kind of mellowed out in the suds, and did not scream or act cranky!! I actually think it was kind of success. He was a good boy, and let us wash his hair! What a trooper!!!

The UFC show this past weekend was memorable. A bunch of exciting fights. Seeing Frank Mir KO Nog was a big shock. I always knew that Frank could overcome his motorcycle accident, and return to the guy who was the best Heavyweight in the UFC. To see him do it in such a decisive fashion, was amazing. Nog was never in the fight. He seemed slow and just "off". I think all of those wars caught up to him. Sad.

Vicki was very upset to see Wanderlei Silva get KTFO'D by Quinton Jackson. He was wide open, punching wildly, and got caught flush w/ a counter right hook. What sucked also big time was that the Ref tried to pull Rampage off of Wandy, but Jackson kept on hitting him two or three times more..Not good sportsmanship!!

Rashad Evans won via TKO over Forrest Griffin to get the Light Heavyweight title in a semi compelling fight. Griffin had won both rounds when Rashad just destroyed him w/ strikes from the mount position in the 3rd round. Nice to get some new champs!

My ol' skool buddy Mike "The Man" C. came up to check out the fights. It was awesome to see him again. Also, Susannah, a long time close pal of Vick and I came in from Crooklyn to meet Mr. T. It was awesome cool to see her as well. She should come back again!!!


kaylynuke said...

OH MY GOSH!!! HOW CUTE!!!! He's SMILING in the second one!!!
Oh, Aunt Kayly needs a copy of that. I need to start a brag book.

kaylynuke said...

if you guys have an online photo album can you set it so i can print from it or not? email me.
p.s. susanna looks great!!! (if a but uncomfy to be holding a baby, lol.)