
I'm waiting on my Man!!

Well, the countdown to Tobin's arrival is truly on! I am off officially on vacation as of today, thru December 15th!! The little fella is due to arrive tomorrow at 4pm, if all goes according to plan. To say that I'm blown away and exhausted are understatements. I've been putting in alot of extra time at gnirreF to catch up, and not leave such a mess for everyone. Remember, I write the name of where I work in reverse because they have one of those thingamabobs that let's people in the company know when the company has been referenced on the net. The last thing I need is them finding this blog and seeing me kvetch or something.

My immediate coworkers have been cool, and supportive. Unfortunately, much like John Cougar Mellencamp; I'm always fighting Authority, & the authority seems to win!

The Biggie types there have inquired into some of my late arrivals that have happened recently. The fact that we're in a difficult pregnancy w/a history of previous pregnancy issues(including one that occured while I worked there) does not seem to register. Also, Vicki can't drive right now. Which is another reason I have had to be at her appointments more regularly as of late.

I've provided documentation, so that should quiet the wolves a bit. However I just find it ironic that a company that works in the FERTILITY field should be so negative. What can you do?

However, this blog is not about my late hours that I've been working at the drug place (working til 9pm, and 8:30pm the past 2 nights!), nor are they about the new refridgerator we are waiting on to arrive any moment now from Sears (where our Landlord, and America shops)! Pretty soon, I will be able to hold my little man in my arms!! I am bewildered, scared, excited, and a whole bunch of other emotions!

I wil try and get on here later and blog a bit about my 20th High School Reunion! Vick and I went to that last Saturday!!! It was pretty cool, actually.

Let me leave you with a pic from Mr. T's latest ultrasound on Monday

How CUTE is that Pout???!?

1 comment:

Mummy said...

Enjoy your last few hours baby free - they're so precious. And then you get to enjoy the rest of your life with your beautiful son.

I hear you on the work thing - my husband has been doing the odd drive of our son to school and was at home for the last couple of days because we were under the impression that full on labour was imminent and we had a meeting at the school scheduled that he went to instead of me. I really hope he's not getting too much crap for it because we could still be pregnant for another couple of weeks and I'm not in any fit state to function normally.

Pamper yourself and your lovely wife tonight and best of luck tomorrow. You are both in my thoughts for a lovely birth and a healthy, happy little boy.