Sigh, I hope it was not about the cost of groceries, or some such foolishness like that....For the rest of the work day, I'm a gonna think what could have set off the friction? In-laws man, it's a difficult scene. They produced a wonderful son/daughter that you married. However, the In-laws themselves can be freakalicious!! Am I right, all of my married pals out there??
Forget the remake, and rent 1979's "The In-Laws" with Alan Arkin and (sadly recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's) Peter Falk!! I still can scream out "Serpentine" (Cut to Peter Falk vaguely gesturing in a circle while smoking) !! Whenever I get stressed about In-Laws!!!

Hey, In-Laws and Spouses; Can't we all just get along, please?? :)
Oh, we could get along just fine if some of us would bite our effing tongues once in a while.
And if I walk into the bathroom to find the toilet seat up one more time, there's gonna be a Rodkey King-style beatdown up in this bitch. Seriously, that's just bad manners...
rotflmao...poor you guys.
just remember--it's inlaws jobs to make you miserable in various ways.
btw, don't get the Litmus Configuration reference--isn't that midnight run?
I thought it was in "The In-Laws" when Peter Falk yells it to Alan Arkin as they are getting shot at... Hmmm :( I will have to rewatch that film, and revise my quotation
"Serpentine!!! Serpentine!!!"
I actually took my mom and grandma to see the remake because I remember my mom and grandma has seen the original and my grandma almost peed herself laughing at that scene.
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