

Well Good afternoon, Dear Readers, I'm baaaaaack!

I've taken some time off from writing the old blog, just did not feel all that creatively inspired. However, my therapist, Dr. Dave,has strongly suggested that I return to the creative out put no matter what. So, you will see my posting on here a bit more frequently than once every 4 months!!

Tobin turned 1 on December 4th. It was pretty wild and emotional. We had a little party for him at the indoor playground at the Madison YMCA. Lot's of little kids running and screaming and climbing on things! It was a blast. My Dad flew up from Florida and we did not even fight that much :) He kept his distance, and I kept mine!!

Special shout outs to Rock Star Rollie and Rachel for staying until the "after party" was over!!

Young Mr. Sincoff has matured and developed at an amazing rate. I'm not saying my son is a genius or anything, but he's developed quite the sense of humor!!! It's pretty amazing to come home from a day at work at gnirreF to see my little boy giggling and jumping up an down when he sees me!! It's pretty wonderful.

We celebrated New Years at the lovely Newcomer residence just a couple days ago (I write this blog posting from the in-laws in PA) . A rocking time was had by all. I needed yesterday to recover. I'm feeling slightly better today, more human and less hung overish. Kayly and Nate really know how to throw a party, and are great hosts. Kudos to them, and even thanks to Ethan Newcomer for letting us crash in his room!!

So, all eyes are on the prize so to speak. It's the beginning of 2010. What does the year hold? Well, The Sincoff family machine will struggle on, and we are hanging in there. I plan on sticking to blogging alot more. It is refreshing to be back on here again.

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