
Gorgeous Weekend

Has been had here El Casa de Sincoff!! We had 3 full days of sunshine!! How can you beat that? It was just awesome to get Tobin to the playground for 3 full days in a row where he could run around like crazy and just flip out. It was awesome to see him enjoying the sunshine, smiling, and trying to climb the jungle gym!! He gets this great look on his face, where he is totally over whelmed with joy and he is just bursting w/happiness. It makes everything worthwhile when I see that.

It was great to have such a nice weekend after a truly rainy, yucky week; and the horrible stuff that happened the week before that. Sadly, Galen, my father-in-law passed away. He had fought esophageal cancer for 2.5 years or so. He was such a good guy, he always made me laugh. He and Shirley sure made a great daughter, one that I love very much. I'm very thankful to him and his role and shaping Vicki's view of the world! He will be sorely missed!!

It's funny, about my current workplace :) I will not name it anymore, either forwards, or backwards. There seem to be a few co-workers that read my blog, as my address counter tells me. One of my favorite co-workers who is very talky, walked past me the other day and said "Hey one guy talking" or something to that sort..... Hmmmmmmm

It's not that I'm working on anything too crazy here, y'know??

All in all, this weekend ended up being the kind that makes you happy, reaffirms your belief that life is ok, and keeps you hanging on!!


Vicki said...

People are going to think I pay and/or threaten you to write such nice stuff about me. You are the cutest, sweetest thing on two feet.

I warned you about talking about work on your blog. You should change your security settings so only invited folks can read it if you're going to do that, goofball. Spelling the company name backwards keeps folks from finding your blog if they're searching by company name, but not if they just decide to google YOU, ya know.

Anonymous said...

really sweet!