
Birthday Party was a Success!!

Well, it can now be told how successful my awesome wife, Vicki was in pulling off "the party of the year" up here in Rockaway Township!! Not only did she hold her liquor well, she looked GORGEOUS doing it as well. Look at this groovy picture of my wife. She's drinking a glass of wine, and probably multi tasking at the same time!!!

All of her Hors D'Ouvres were amazing. Her fried ravioli was to die for. It was the perfect mixture of zesty and sweet. Her samosas that the made were awesome as well. So often you will go to a party, and there will be no food there but tons o' alcohol. Well, it certainly can be said that there was both food and drink at my shindig. Thanks Vick for all of your help

The cake was awesome, and very appropriately labelled I think since we just were at week 2 of the NFL Season!! If only the Giants had beaten the Colts in the battle of the Brothers (Peyton vs. Eli Manning) Alas, I think that if Eli and Peyton played each other 10 games in a row, Peyton would win each game. He's just that much better an athlete!! Doesn't make for a fun game to watch, though :( we had it turned off by 9pm, so we could watch the premier of the very awesome "Boardwalk Empire" on HBO!!!! Steve Buscemi has outdone himself again

There's something about the world of the gangster that still resonates, still fascinates. Martin Scorcese described it as the dark side of the American Dream. What if you lived your life as if the rules did not apply to you? It's a fascinating concept that's for sure !!!
Look how delicious this cake was. In fact, I had some helpers who were ready to blow out the candles in case I could not perform my duties in a decent manner.

Thanks to all friends like Rachel M. , Rollie Fingers Rockstar, Kayly N. Belynda and Jarrid, Mike C. and Mary for showing up for an awesome partay. It's great to have friends like you guys around!!

1 comment:

ipoopcandy. said...

i hope you had a great birthday ethan. sorry we weren't able to make it up there. maybe we'll eventually figure out when we can all get together.