
I suppose I should blog one more time before Christmas

Not too much going on here. The Sincoff family is preparing for its' trek to Grandma's house in Pennsylvania. Should be fun to see my mother-in-law, and Vicki's side of the family for a few. It's a total "Over the river and thru the woods" kind of trip. So, it's season appropriate. Should be good fun to get out of Jerz for a few days, anyway.

Work has been crazy busy. Another reason why I have not been posting as much of late. Every person and their sister brought down some invoice or another that needed processing. Alas, that is exactly the kind of stuff that hits my desk. It has been keeping me on my toes!! Thankfully, work is shut for a few days. I'll be able to max and relax & recharge the ol' batteries!!

Couple of the highlights of the PA trip (in addition to seeing my very groovy mother-in-law) will be not only the chance to see the FANTABULOUS NEWCOMERS on a couple of different occasions, but the yearly visit home of M from Hamburg, Germany. She's a cool chick. It'll be good to see her!!

Other than that, I'm spending time w/ V and T, working on being happy, and enjoying the holiday season! I hope everyone else does too!

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