
Bit of a story about Grad School

Had a pretty amazing experience since we last got together. I was in my "Theories of Adult Psychopathology" class... and we were discussing some of the various mental disorders (mania, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc) and I was trying to write a paper on something that I liked, that transcended it merely being a school paper.

So, I decided to do it on aspects of being a champion, and fear/anxiety/PTSD in mixed martial arts.  I sent out a few preemptive messages on Twitter to folks who seemed pretty open that were in that world.

I would be outta line if I did not mention Jens Pulver.  I Facebook mentioned Jens on this topic, and he immediately said"great let's talk!"  Fast forward a couple days, and he and I are on the phone discussing MMA, anxiety, depression and even Fatherhood.

Now, Jens' story is Jens'.  I wont paraphrase or do him a disservice here, by omitting something that I should include, or including something that I should have omitted. Suffice to say:

a) he was the first/best "little" fighter out there in mixed martial arts ("Lil' Evil" being his nickname) b) he has led a life that was filled w/ adversity growing up, and in his adulthood.. he has overcome alot, and needs to be saluted as such.

All is can say is that he made himself beyond available, and talked to me for close to 90 minutes about stuff (as his son was playing video games).

He deserves all things good, as he strives to find sunshine as he heads towards a post fight life (won't say retirement as he said he doesn't like that word).   Friend his fan page on FB and follow him on Twitter. He and his gorgeous family have good things in their future.

He also was nice enough to talk to me for TWO HOURS on my dopey podcast a couple of weeks ago.  Even as he had to drive to his in-laws to drop his kids off. So, thanks, Jens!

If you have any kind of group (youth or otherwise) and you need a speaker in a motivational sense who can share stories about rising to the occasion, reach out to him on his website as he does this alot.

He also is impassioned about working on issues dealing w/ depression, and it's good to have someone in the forefront of this issue w/ such passionate views.

I hope I don't drive him tooo crazy w/ emailing him from time to time, and the sending him the occasional picture of Tobin, or a "hey how ya doing?" type message.

School is still going well. I'm getting good grades, and I'm even working in that profession now (albeit part-time).  I'm doing some hours in an administrative role for an organization that does therapy and emergency services for families in crisis.

Feels good to move away (slooowly) from the spreadsheets and Powerpoints of the business world, towards something of substance... what I really want to do w/ my career, life, etc.  I'm sure there may be setbacks, or disappointments as I pursue this stuff, this direction of mine.. but hey,... it's pretty groovy to be on the right track.

I must say that I'm currently in my "Techniques of Psychotherapy" class right now. We are approaching our last class weekend.  It's pretty wacky to hear yourself on tape as you work on a role play therapy session as a therapist w/ a classmate as the client..

Lot's of "ums" and "aaahs" :)  Tobin, my big boy 5 year old is GRADUATING PRE SCHOOL tomorrow. Jesus Christ, Kindergarten already??!  He has been talking about Godzilla non stop since we saw it.

That's it for now!

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