
UFC 174 was pretty awful

I'm not saying that I'm not an MMA fan, as I am a hyoooge one.  However, I have to call out The UFC as they have far too much product out there.  I mean last night's card could have easily been shown for Free on FX1 or something. I'm kind of a "smart" fan in that I don't need to see name fighters, (my rule of thumb for viewing PPVS is 3 fights deep to watch/buy/go to a bar... UNLESS MARK HUNT IS FIGHTING then it is all systems go!) but the fights were so boring Saturday night that I can imagine that regular fans were dozing off....

I would go into detail here and break down fight by fight.... but there was nothing of merit at all to report.  Brendan Schaub  vs. Andrei Arlovski is worth reporting in that it is only notable in that it was simply an awful, boring extravaganza.  That and the fact that Brendan Schaub slept for 2 rounds.... won the 3rd round easily.... and his jaw looked like it was broken, or filled w/ nuts.

Other than that...let's see: Rory McDonald did what he had to do to represent Montreal's TriStar Gym...and Tyrone Woodley underperformed, but looked like he had the grooviest beard of all time... simply put it was amazing; take a look:
That's the birth of Motha Frickin' cool right there. I dig him, and I was rooting for him... if the beard could have won him the fight...we're talkin' Anaconda Choke tap out win... alas, that is not the case w/ this story. Other than the beard.. and Schaub's jaw, it was an utterly forgettable card. Great to hang out w/ Russ J., however.. love male bonding w/ him and talking MMA.

Other than that, I'm hanging in.  I'm working part time over in Clay County for an organization that is a social services agency that works w/ kids and families in crisis.  I figured it is time to get into the mental health field...albeit part time, unfortunately....but still.  They're good people, and they do noble work.  Just as it is sad to see so many kids in need of help for various reasons (environmental, neurological, etc.) , it is inspiring to see so many parents coming voluntarily in need of help to help address their kids' issues.

Shirley, my mother-in-law is in town, and has been for a while. It's nice to see her, touch base, and see that she is still well, and hanging in. It is also nice to be able to get a few date nights w/ Vicki while she is here! Tobin is doing well. He graduated Pre School, and starts Kindergarten in August.  He also just started Taekwondo and he is LOOOOOOOOVING it! :)

Sometimes the easiest blog posts, contain the greatest, grooviest stuff. Mega Shout outs to Corbyn Hightower, an great author, friend, and raconteur who jammed on the podcast w/ me last week. Check out her blog, and follow her on FB, and BUY Woolgathering: Bedtime Stories for Wayward Grown-Ups, her book!!

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