
Ok Enough Already w/ the rain

Jesus Freakin' Christ. It's been raining for the last 6 days. I just can't take it anymore. Where are we living? Fucking SCOTLAND or something? I don't see any motherfucking MOORS in Jersey City... This rain has been absolutely SOUL SUCKING the past few days. I just am asking for partly cloudy right now. I don't want sunshine totally, I would be happy w/ just SOME rays of light. Though I hear that it will not be sunny til Sunday... Alas, sigh.

Today was the big Yom Kippur. We slept in til 2pm. We chose not to fast this year. I don't really feel like we have anything to atone for.. cos we're perfect, Vicki and I are, aren't we? I have always had MAJOR issues w/ the whole higher power thing... I just would like to see SOME sign of something "else" before I commit to a whole day of asking for forgiveness by sitting in a synagogue w/ no windows open, and not eating as well......

And mind you, I LIKE our synagogue. Just haven't been for the past few months. We will be back however. Just not right away ! I mean, how lame would it be to show up the week b4 the high holy days, and then not come to Rosh Hashanah, or Yom Kippur services?? Would not be cool, right???!

Dude, there was UFC on PPV last friday, AND there was the Corrales vs. Castillo rematch on PPV on Saturday!! I mean, that's why you work, to enjoy it right? Not to mention the coke and the hookers and stuff... Just joking, heh heh heh. Although if there are any 420 suppliers out there that have Jersey City in their delivery sights... feel free to hit me up on the email !

Work has been kinda sucky lately. Not horrible, just sucky and stuff. I have deadlines for a project where I really have NO idea what I'm doing... I'm dancing more than Mr. Bojangles to pull this one off!! Jesus Christ.. I mean can you believe I was in a 4 hour meeting where we discussed, among other scintillating topics , that if we cut down on the fin seal (wrapper edge thingy on a chocolate wrapper) that we might save some $$?? Sweet Baby Christ, y'know? Not to mention they have been draaaaaaaagging out the whole permanent job thing .

I just want a nice high rise apartment w/a doorman. Is that too much to ask??

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