
I tried to keep quiet but

This election is driving me crazy. I am constantly obsessing about it. My therapist says I should just divest myself from it, and show up on election day, knowing that I voted for the right candidate. That's good advice. However, it is hard to remove yourself from the process, when you are totally committed to bringing about change in this country. McCain and Palin are increasing their vitriolic attacks. Obama seems to be taking the high road, which is great morally. However, it does not help you win elections. I pray that the recent aggressive tone of the last 24 hours in the Obama campaign will resonate with the folks out there.

Former Canuck goes baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!!

I gotta mention this; I actually grew up with this dude Steve Schmidt who is the "Svengali" behind the McCain campaign. Apparently (and he did the same for Cheney during the 2004 campaign) he has learned the everything that Karl Rove has in his bag of tricks.

Let me just say that I NEVER EVER thought that the kid I grew up with since the first grade would end up being involved in the downfall of America, and Democracy as we know it. It's funny, that the right wing young puppet drones that work for him call him "Patton". I assume that this is after General George Patton; famous WW II General, and like Steve, a notorious blowhard.

However, Steve never charged up a hill, threw himself on a grenade, did anything really memorable, or honorable, actually. All he does is issue lame-ass press releases, type on his Blackberry, and pontificate.

Just to be wacky, I called him last year while he was working with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in California.

We really had nothing to say to each other. However, I just wanted to bust his balls a bit.

"Oh No" he said. "I'm not getting involved in the 2008 campaign. While I have had offers from all of the major Republican candidates (What, no Ron Paul??). I have turned them all down.

I need to spend time with my family."

Typical BS Washington DC Beltway answer.. Next thing I know, 1 week later, I see him dragging his big ass, and bald head out of an SUV next to McCain on CNN. Funny. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that Steve always believed in himself, even when he saved Joanne Kosciak in 7Th Grade when she passed out in 7Th Grade English in Mrs. Alexander's class. Steve knew he was destined for big things, even though most of his classmates thought he was gonna be a normal kid.

I just feel sad that the kid I used to run around with, who barely (debate is open on if he did. Some say he walked, but did not get a diploma) graduated from The University of Delaware. THIS is the brain trust, THIS is the guy who comes up with all of McCain's hate speech? THIS is the guy who Mitt Romney sent an antique chair to saying "I hope you use this chair to sit at the head of my table in my campaign" This dude, is the one who has tainted McCain's campaign with the race card?

THIS is the guy who helped Cheney with his Iraq policy?

Talk about being underwhelmed! What would Tyler the Dog say, Steve?? I feel like I grew up with Satan..

Mind you, I don't mean any of this in a bad way. I just find his operatic sense of pompousness to be a real downer. Let's hope America wakes up soon, and can send back to California to spend some REAL time w/ his family.


Anonymous said...

you can't can't too nutty dude..... yes, it's an important election.. and yes, Americans are RETARDED if they don't vote in Obama.. but if they don't, you know what? The country will still be here, and we'll still be here... we lived through 8 years of GWB... in the end, I'm optimistic that we'll be OK.

Vicki said...

I agree with D. The world won't blow up if McCain and Palin get elected--unless they declare war with Russia like Palin has hinted at. Then we're fucked with a giant, atomic schlong.

Would someone please knee-cap her? Where's Jeff Gillooly when you need him?

I love the fact that even Rove thinks some of the attack ads have gone too far. Do you think he really thinks so--or is it just sour grapes because he's been nudged aside by your former classmate and evil wunderkind?

What do you think his nickname is? Turdblossom, Jr.?

kaylynuke said...

Neurotic that I am, I agree with your take on the whole thing. Vicki is your Nate with her calm countenance and "everything will be okay" attitude, but I'm right there w/you in the bomb shelter eating powdered eggs if McCain gets elected, dude.