
My Father is visiting his Grandson!

And he is not even bugging me that much!!! He flew in on Thursday night, and has actually been a real pleasure to be around. Genuinely emotional, and happy to see Tobin. I will post some multi generational Sincoff pictures tomorrow. I know, I know, we are due for some. I just would love to have one of Tobe, Dad and I. I mean that's 3 Generations of Sincoff males who can shoot craps moderately well!!

Friday was wack because I went to work at gnirreF, and by the time I got out of one pointless meeting, the company was cancelling the day already due to the snowfall!! So, no one has to tell me 2x, right? I jumped into our trusty car to go home to spend time w/ Tobe, Dad and Vicki. However, Vick calls saying that a breast pump was on hold for her at the Post Partum Place.

Of course I went to pick it up. Main Street from Madison into Chatham was a parking lot. This is how great a husband, and Dad I am: I parked my car in the snow at the CVS, and walked over a mile to get Vicki's breast pump!! How cool am I??? I hope that future Dad's and Husbands can come accross this blog at some point, and seek out my advice here!!

Dad also took us out for a great breakfast, and then we went to Toyota of Morristown to check out new cars. Regular visitors here will know that our Oldsmobile (or "OldsmoBuick" as Fletch would say) sucked balls, and died 2 weeks ago. Well, lo and behold, we went into the dealership, and did well. My Ma and Pa raised a really heavy handed Goniff, because I got us a decent lease price for a new Corolla!!

To top it off, I'm on my 2nd Jack Daniels & Ginger (for medicinal purposes), and we just saw a unique Holocaust Drama called The Counterfitters. It was totally gripping, it tells the tale about this Jewish con man in Berlin in the 1930's, of course he's a counterfitter, and runs a nightclub. Well the Nazi's come into power, and the "Final Solution" begins. He gets sent to a "special" camp to help with the German War Effort. I don't want to give away too much here. However, if you want to check out another side of the Holocaust, give this movie a chance. I think some of the performances were haunting. It also further adds to my extremely low opinion of Germany!! :-)

I want to leave you with this great picture. Look how much Tobin is copying his Daddy here!! All of that stressing about the Obama Campaign in utero can drive a newborn nuts, I tell ya!!


Mummy said...

That's a fantastic photo of father and son. Looking forward to the triple generation ones.

Say hi to your dad from me, although he probably doesn't remember me! With any luck, the parcel we sent you will arrive before Christmas so Mr T has something from NZ to place under the tree.

Still over the moon for you guys... I'm really not surprised that your dad's feeling emotional about it all.

kaylynuke said...

lurve that pic