
Rain Rain, go away!I

I'm sitting here in Central Pennsylvania listening to the rain come a crashin' down. The wind is howling, and the is shaking. To put it mildly, the weather really sucks outside!! However that will not deter Vicki and I from going to H'Burg tonight, and hanging out w/ the Newcomers!! They are our amigos in crime, and a trip to Vicki's parents is not complete w/o seeing them!!

Hopefully the wind will not blow our car off of the road tonight! I think we're gonna be ok, though!! I'm psyched for some good Pan Asian/Vietnamese cuisine tonight!! Should be a good time. I need the talk to the Newcomers aside from eating dinner w/them. I need 'em to roll up their sleeves, and give me real "war room" like advice!! It'll be much appreciated!

For my friends who follow boxing, you know it is the night of "The Event" I'm a big Manny Pacquiao fan. Joshua Clottey is a tough, durable fighter from Ghana. I've never seen him hurt. However, he's not a spectacular fighter. Manny Pacquiao is a spectacular fighter, one who is truly special to watch!! I think you will see a late round stoppage victory for Manny tonight at the new Cowboys Stadium in Dallas.

Man, it's raining so much outside that one would think that Captain Ahab, and Moby Dick are gonna float by any moment now!! This "land lubber" is gonna go now, and begin to get ready for tonight!!


Anonymous said...
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kaylynuke said...

Just pure, plain-old Vietnamese. Down and dirty.
And isn't it cool you got to go out with us AND see the fights for free?

kaylynuke said...
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