
What don't kill a nigga, MAKE a nigga

So said the late, great, rather hefty Notorious B.I.G. It's a lyric. Don't think I'm being all racial as Ali G would say. I think it's a appropriate lyric for those of use out there, dealing with ups and downs in life. For with every up, there seems to be a down too. Seems to be a lot of struggles out there!

Things are great at home. I've been taking Tobin to the playground alot and he is loving it!! He had the run of the sandbox yesterday all to himself!! He was sooooooo psyched. I was pretty psyched to watch him! I was also glad to give Vicki some time to herself!! We have also been doing bath time at night, and we're having a blast establishing these Daddy/Son rituals. It's amazing how these things bring a smile to my face.

Yet at the same time, I do struggle w/ dark moments. In fact I was just talking to my therapist about this today. I have a great wife, who is awesome, and sexy and funny... I have this amazing little boy, who can light up my world, and I am amazed at how he is growing... yet there are moments of real depression that I have to surf through.... Crazy, huh?

Crazy stuff has been happening @ the old drug workplace. The Grand Poo Bah of my area, the one who once said I was not a good employee, and gave me a horrible performance review, and made sure I got no bonus for the year suddenly got fired last week for poor performance!!!! Yup. You read it right, and yes, Ma'am that is irony dripping off of this paragraph!!

The Big Big Poo Bah from Europe said so eloquently "this is the last day of the _____" Inserting Grand Poo Bah's name into the space there. I thought it was a weird, and anti climactic end for a guy I could have told 'em was an empty suit some 2.5 years ago when he interviewed me! When you walk into a Poo Bah's office, and he stares (no joke) at your resume w/o saying anything for 4 minutes, and you, the candidate have to begin to interview yourself; you know he's a little meshuggeneh.

I also have to mention my old friend, let's call her S that I have known for a long time. She is a dear, close friend. In fact, I jokingly say that S is my favorite person that I never, ever see! LOL Anyways, I got a call from her the other day. She sadly told me that her husband, let's call him B of several years (10?Plus some dating in college before that) had decided to leave out of the blue.

I will simply say that B's actions have left me really saddened, in a multitude of ways. I don't know what he is looking for... I totally don't dig how he handled it. I KNOW that he can not be looking for someone else more sassier or better looking or kind, for S is all of those attributes and then some. In fact, I quoted the lyric from the title of the blog post to S today! She is hanging tough in the Pacific NW, and I know she will bounce back and overcome this, and be resilient because that is what she is all about!

It wouldn't be a blog post of mine if I did not reference MMA. Does anyone really even care about UFC 115!? What a horrible card! I mean Rich Franklin vs. Chuck Liddell??!? What is this, 2004??? Both of those guys are dinosaurs. Adding Mirko Cro Cop to the card would be great if it were 6 years ago as well. Alas those ships have long since sailed!! Suffice to say, I do not think I will be getting this PPV.

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