
Friday, Friday!!

This has been one of those weeks where nothing particularly bad, or stressful has happened. Thankfully, I can honestly say that getting to Friday has not been too much of a chore! I'm still trying to rock my lightbox as much as I can, and I'm getting some results. I'm working hard in therapy, and trying to stay positive. The change in seasons, and the days getting shorter has historically been disastrous on my good vibes!! I'm just trying to do the best I can to stay away from that negativity.

Vicki, Tobin and I went outside last night after I came home from work to play for a bit. It was fun to watch V and T draw pictures of pirates and pumpkins on the sidewalk w/ chalk. I think we have a junior pirate in training w/ our youngster in that he seems to love putting things on on his head that seem like hats to him, scowling, and saying "pirate"! It's very cute. I'm sure Captain Jack Sparrow would welcome the young apprentice. However, Mom and Dad Sincoff don't want to send our youngster off to sail the high seas just yet!!

Howsabout those UFC fights, huh? Was anyone else surprised to see Brock Lesnar get so dominated by Cain Velasquez? That cut that opened up under Brock's eye w as the grossest thing ever!! The rest of the card was ok, nothing too spectacular. I felt Jake Shields looked totally unspectacular in his UFC debut, but that's just me playing armchair sports guy!! In actuality, I think he lost to Martin Kampann in that one. I felt that Diego Sanchez looked fantastic in his return to form against Paulo Thiago!

We're off to PA this weekend. Off to the land of Chocolate and friendliness for a weekend of seeing my mother-in-law (hi shirley!) and the Newcomers (Hi Kayly and Nate!). It's also Halloween, so everyone have a safe and Spooktacular time!! We are dressing Tobin up as a Puppy Dog, which should be cute! I'll be sure to post some pictures when I get back.

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