
Talking with the Taxman About Poetry (or the difficult post for this week)

So, I'm trying to update his blog more often.  I think that I'm achieving that goal sloowly but surely.  I'm finding it very cathartic to just put my thoughts down here.  Not for anyone else, not for notoriety, or for shock, or for whatever. Just for me.  Kind of interesting for me to say that, right??  I don't know why that it should be a big deal that I'm doing this just for me, but I am.  Truly. In no way do I want to get a reality show out of this.  Or get more followers or anything.  If I get 0 web "traffic" or if I get a skadillion hits, it's all groovy.

Now, to get something off of my chest:

Not to point fingers, but I have to wonder out loud: is "THIS" (life)  all about making money? 

I mean,$ is great and all....  I love my UFC PPV's as much as the next guy.  However, shouldn't someone be into making the world a better place, or trying to enact social change in the exact way that they want it?  I don't get it.....

 No matter what side of the political spectrum that you may lie on.... BE INVOLVED. I don't get this sort of slovenly, laissez faire kind of lifestyle and belief(s)  Stand up for something..... Why not? I'm not even talking about Republican or Democrat..... believe in your beliefs, and fight for them.  You can make change. All it takes is a little passion.

Again, not Left or Right Wing. Just empowerment.  Those who do not get involved in the process of changing the way the country gravitates politically are doomed to just endure, and grit their teeth

' Cos you can't be a beast if you are not fighting, boyee.

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