
Post Modern and stuff

Kiddies, I just may be getting into the post modern age here!! I just may be soon continuing to do this blog, but also switch to a podcast type deal.  I've found a website that hosts such thangs (for free, which rocks!) . I've found a VOIP phone thingy w;/ which I can call into the show from the computer.  Exciting stuff.  I'm still testing, and testing some more.  I have to get a headset and microphone, and then we will pretty much be rocking and rolling.  Good X.  The cool thing is that this is my hobby, and it's been a while since that has happened.

So, anybody who reads this, if you have a cause, issue, band etc. you want to promote, please reach out to me.  Once everything is movin' and groovin', we will set something up! I'm psyched.  I'm sure it will be awful and awful even more.  What can you do, y'know? There is no agenda, just me; much like the intention of this blog that I started some 7 yrs ago.     I am not looking for a book deal (although, publishers....), I'm not looking for notoriety. I'm just looking to be me.  If I can get on here, and make myself laugh, or think; then I'm doing a good thing!! y'know what I mean?

Great weekend!  The fam' came home from  PA. Soooooo great to see 'em! Missed both Bick and T big time!! Got some Thai food on Friday night, and Saturday; took T to the pool.  When did he learn to float on his back!?! Crazy! Bick made 2 great vegan indian meals Sat and Sun nights too.  Great great weekend.

Oh, and when I told Toby that Daddy was going to do an Internet Radio Show, he asked if Elmo can call in!  See, not even four, and he is looking to call in favors to get ahead in show biz!! LOLOL

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