
Been away for a while

Sorry I've been out of touch for a while. My Dad passed away suddenly 2 weeks ago.  It's been horrible, and a whirlwind.  Not to give too much information out, but he was not answering the door, so I kicked the door in, and found him...

We found him Thursday night, and by Monday, we were flying to NJ, and the funeral was last Tuesday.  Back to Jax Tuesday night.  Back to work yesterday. Reality and quiet are slowly starting to creep back in.

How do you sum up a life? I don't know.  He was a good Dad, difficult at times, but a loyal friend.  I would want no other guy in my corner than him.  Just a good Father, Grandfather, Husband, Cousin, Uncle (even Father-in-law).

I said my tribute at the funeral, so I don't want to blab on and on. He set such a high standard for Liberalism, and equality in my family.  A earlieNew Deal Democrat, who first voted for Harry Truman; I was proud to see his transformation from someone haunted by the 1960's (like many of his generation) to a true observer of the inequalities in America --- those in its' Ivory Towers, and those that are down in the trenches and fighting.

There was no bigger doubter of Big Business, Republicans, and the Right Wing War Machine.  He learned from some of his mistakes in the past (support of the Vietnam War, Barry Goldwater, etc), and evolved into a true Populist Liberal, one who even accompanied me to campaign for President Obama this Summer.

He wasn't always right, but he was a kind and gentle man, a good man. Someone who inspired a lifetime love of reading, and education in me (maybe not Excel or Powerpoint) that I will pass onto Tobin.

He taught me a love of boxing, and I, taught him a love of MMA.  I do know that I would not have a special love for the careers of Marco Antonio Barrera, and Erik Morales if it were not for him :)

I can not exagerate the crystal clear memories I have of watching some fights from my home in Jersey City/Madison/Rockaway and getting a phone call from Melbourne Fl.  The volume on the TV would be way turned up, and Dad would go "ARE YOU WATCHING THIS!?!?!?"

Either I was drunk on Avenue A, and I was taping it, or I was sitting my ass in front of the TV, and watching it!!

So, in the end, thanks Dad for letting me grow into a decent man, Husband and Father. I've learned a lot, and will not forget you.

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