
Pre Thanksgiving Musing; shout out to Antonio DeMarco

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since my last update.  I know that is my typical M.O.  I've been working on some stuff that I'm not entirely comfortable w/ sharing in depth on here.  My friends that I speak to on a regular basis know what's going on.  I don't know if there is a "Big Brother" kind of thing or whatever.  I'm probably alll Conspiracy Theorist as I'm a "Red Diaper" Baby... :-)... If you know what's going on, you know. If you're a friend, and you've got some concern about what I'm referencing; give me a call/email/IM. 

Suffice to say I have some clarity, and I've had some "A-HA" moments this week.  It's something that you should always strive for.  I mean, for a long time; I've just kind of kept on truckin'.  Not necessarily in my family life, but in other aspects.  It feels great (challenging) to have a few reflective moments. Good stuff.  I highly recommend it!

I have to quickly mention that I watched both Boxing. and MMA last night. Couple of quick thoughts:  I'm getting VERY old; as I could not stay up for the main event @ UFC 154.  I heard Georges St. Piere vs. Carlos Condit was a match of the year candidate.  I also heard Johny Hendricks' KO of Martin Kampann in 46 seconds of the very first round was pretty incredible too.

Alas, your humble blogger was too tired.  Couldn't hack it.  I saw a few of the undercard fights.  They were pretty good. A lot of decisions.  Nothing that totally stood out that I can comment on.  In short, there seemed to be a couple of Canadian fighters (fights were held up in Montreal) that got clobbered by Non Canadian fighters.  That's the way of the fight game, sometimes. I am not a great sports analyst as I can't stay up past 11:30 anymore, however!

As for boxing,  I caught the Adrien Broner vs. Antonio DeMarco fight. Broner is  a guy from Cincinnatti, Ohio. He's being groomed as "the next big thing".  He comes to the ring w/ a posse, and there is a guy who brushes his hair pre and post fight for him.  As a result, I have a kind of dislike for the asshole.

However, I gotta give props where props are due.  Broner delivered a beating to Antonio DeMarco.  The type of which I have not seen in a long fucking while.  He probably is the next big thing.  He has power, speed, attitude, and can be quite marketable to African American fight fans, much like Floyd Mayweather  has been in the past.

I title this post in part to Antonio because I saw a ton of heart when I caught the replay on HBO this morning.  I have seen it 1,000,000 times in the past.  A tough, tough Mexican fighter; who moves straight in, w/ no movement (head, body, etc.) he will take 6 punches to deliver 1 to the body.  He comes forward, and forward, until he can't do it anymore.  Sometimes, they win, sometimes they don't.  However a fighter  like this guy always makes an entertaining fight, though he is  of linmited talent compared to Broner.

He is an example of why I love Mexican fighters.  Why my Dad used to watched the old LA Forum Fight series on Telemundo/Univision to discover the new Mexican fighters.  Thank you Dad for turning me onto Marco Antonio Barrera, Juan Manuel, and Raphael Marquez, and even Jorge Paez. They did a piece on DeMarco prior to the fight and he said that he grow up homeless, on his on,on the streets of Tijuana.  He used to pick thru garbage cans to find food. He turned pro at 14.

In short, what are you gonna do to a guy like Antonio, or Erik Morales, or anybody from Districto Federale? You gonna hit them?? They have been hit, and stomped all their lives, grew up on the streets, hungry alone, etc.  Hitting them is not gonna stop them.They are going to move forward, and move forward, until they either take you out, or they are gonna get stopped trying.  Just incredible, incredible heart. Heart.

It's for that reason, that I give a shout out to a fighter like this guy DeMarco. Tough as nails,perhaps limited talent, and  almost too much heart, he came forward, and forward until his corner threw in the towel.  I would  watch him 500,000 more times on TV if they put him on.. While he lost the fight, and was outclassed, he's the fighter I'm blogging about tonight.

As far as Thanksgiving is concerned:  It's coming up!! Vicki, Toby and I are getting very excited for the arrival of Mary the Lawyer! She's going to be flying down from Philly on Tuesday.  Vick has her whole menu planned out, and it is a very ambitious one!!  PA Dutch Potato Filling,  Maple Glazed Turkey, Bourbon Glazed Sweet Potatoes, Sweet Potato Biscuits, Oven Roasted Broccoli, and even a maple pecan pumpkin pie are planned for the menu.  Almost too much food! I'm psyched for it.

Psyched to have a "boys" night out at some point w/  my 2 favorite girls too!!! Mary will also be doing the podcast w/ me live on Thanksgiving day for a few!! Good stuff. Sometimes it all falls into place!!


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