
"So where have you gone Ethan Sincoff"

I know that It's been a long, long, long time that I have not posted.  Pretty much if you have read the blog in the past,  you know what happened.  However, for a bit of a "refresher" course, or for those newbies out there: Vicki (my groovy wife). Tobin (awesome son) and I moved to Jacksonville, Florida in July of 2011 because I got a job offer down here.  It was tough to leave Jersey... Jersey and NYC (and Philly, to an extend because that's where I went to school) were all that I know.  Vicki grew up in East Bachoop, and while having lived in DC... she was also getting tired of Winters...

Plus, my Dad was down here in the FL. I wanted to make sure Dad was connected to some kind of familial thing as he hit his mid 80's. Anyway, we move him nearer us here in NE Florida... and he becomes shall we say, very difficult at times... Family members sometimes are always a mixture of pro's and cons, ups and downs. Dad was a loving guy, but to an extent, that love was always on his terms, in a bullying way.

To cut to the chase, one day, he didn't answer his phone, or door, And I knew what the deal was when I kicked in his door. Yeah he was dead. Fast Forward thru the funeral and the return to work, and at the workplace and at home things were not groovy... a whole lot of grief going on.  So I took time off, went into an Outpatient Program... came back to work, and promptly got fired like a couple weeks later.  At the same time, I got into graduate school... so I'm back in school.. and while I may discuss the program and location a bit at some point, I'm gonna refrain at this moment. however.. If you know me, you know what I'm up to... if you are just getting to know me... email me  ethan dot sincoff at gmail dot com

So, for the past year I've been job hunting, and being a stay at home dad, and now, being a graduate student again. The 2nd paycheck would be great... but hey, life throws you curveballs..  you gotta learn to get your bat on the ball, man.... I'm sure Tobin is looking forward to "Fun" Dad returning as I go back to work, rather than "Discipline during the Day" Dad.... but hey, I'm trying :) I've had interviews... nothing has just rocked yet.

Since I last talked to you, there have been a few great fights (both boxing and mma) (Bradley vs. Provodnikov, Provodnikov vs. Alvarado, etc).. and I think the Seattle Seahawks won the Superbowl., and I am well known by the Bartram Trail Library Staff here in Saint Johns County, FL. In fact, the kooky homeless, or middle aged guy who lives at home w/ parents and I give each other the head nod and wave when I see him at the computer internet station.

The other day he was live streaming a ping pong match, and he was watching intently.  To quote my cousin, Sheri, "Ethan, you have to ask yourself, who was having the better day? You, or him?!".

...So, I'm back blogging.. Feel free to read from time to time... Or if ya don't , that's fine too. I'll set my alarm so I can wake up and lose sleep over ya :-)

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