
The One Guy Talking Podcast! - NICHOLAS TANEK

My buddy, Nicholas Tanek, author of "The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself" and "Chipped Black Nail Polish) talk everything from The Sykes–Picot Agreement and the Ottoman Empire, to Murder Incorporated (we referenced Abe "Kid Twist" Rellis and Meyer Lansky, but I forgot about Abe "Tick Tock" Tannenbaum!), to Nicholas' recent visit to the doctor. The doctor even tells him how luck he was for a former heroin addict to be alive!


Sergio "El Maravilla" Martinez KO's Paul Williams

5 years ago today... one of the greatest knockouts of all time.


Thinking some good thoughts about my Dad

November brings with it my Dad's birthday. Obviously, he's been gone for 3 years now, and I'm trying to work on remembering the good times with him.  Let me tell ya, I should have done the schlepping from Jacksonville, to Melbourne every weekend to make sure  he was ok.

Perhaps it is the fact that I'm actually in a Psychology/Mental Health Counseling Graduate program, or going to therapy... I'm starting to become more grounded when it comes to thinking about growing up as a kid with and living life as an adult as the son of Elliott Sincoff...Not totally there... but I have moments of being there, and loving him 100%.

I know I've shared before, but if someone were to ask what the coolest thing about your Dad was, it had to be how he made me appreciate that boxing (and later, on my own as a result, MMA) is an art form.  If done right, it is like ballet, or poetry.  It can bring a tear to your eye. 

First off, he was the first one to tell me to forget The Heavyweights (too slow), they were bullshit. Every week, we would put on Telemundo, and turn the sound low as we didn't speak Spanish. It was boxing from the Los Angeles Forum. Every Mexican and  Latino fighter that was great, and went on to great things fought on that show.  I dug the Mexican/South American fighting style of trading body shots that the fighters did the "fighting in a phone booth" kind of way.

I can't think of certain fighters (Erik Morales, Marco Antonio Barrera) w/o thinking of him. I dig Marco so much  I almost thought we could have named Tobin "Marco Antonio" :)

When I say that boxing (if done right) is an art form, I truly mean it.  It can be up there w/ any great play, film, concert, etc.  Here, watch a bit Marco Antonio Barrera vs. Kennedy McKinney from 1996.  Tell me you don't see something special. A story w/ a beginning, middle, and end. One that will just blow you away.

Just amazing stuff, right? Just watch a couple rounds...

It took me a long time to feel like I wasn't a little kid around him. I'm still awaiting a time where I can remember the good stuff, the laughs, the love, more than the negative stuff. I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it.

I do know I miss all the late night phone calls where he would scream "where the fuck are you (TV turned up so loud like he was going to chainsaw  a drug dealers arms off), you are missing this motherfuckin' fight!"  

We would argue about my cholesterol, my weight, decisions I made..... The only 2 subjects we agreed on, and could talk about w/o a lecture were boxing and politics.   The fights of late haven't been as dramatic, as passionate, or as amazing of late. Some of it is the lack of great fighters. I'd like to think some of it is my father no longer calling me at 1AM on a Saturday night/Sunday morning to discuss the fight we just watched.


This is what happens when Corbin doesn't show up

So this is what happens when my guest, Corbin Hightower, falls asleep and misses her spot on the show. Everything I planned was for the 2 of us. I had to riff on the spot and sort of improvise. It was wacky. Talked a lot about therapy.


Tomorrow Night! Corbyn Hanson Hightower is on The One Guy Talking Podcast!!!

Blogger, writer (Author of "Woolgathering: Bedtime stories for Wayward Grown-ups"), Mom, Wife and awesome Chick CORBYN HANSON HIGHTOWER IS GOING TO BE MY GUEST! You SHOULD WATCH AND LISTEN!!


Nicholas Tanek is a writer and was on my show! You should read his stuff

 Author Nicholas Tanek came on my podcast promoting "The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself" and "Chipped Black Nail Polish". Man was he patient, and man has he led an interesting life. I hope he has found some peace. Look forward to talking w/ him again. I could write more, but I'm sure I have some corporate Powerpoint thing to to. More later.

I can only say, w/o blowing smoke up  anyone's butt, that Nicholas perfectly captures that 80's/90's time of perfect music coming over from The UK. I remember going to the "import" section of my local Scotti's (RIP) Records in Madison, NJ and buying tons of stuff in my late 20's, and before that when I lived in North Plainfield, Stereo City, which was a dump. Everything came in those protective, cheap, cellophane wrappers due to importation, I assume

The sense of freedom, and endless time as an alterna kid, be it running around NYC, or skateboarding by Princeton Record Exchange on Nassau St. was perfect.  I had quite the visceral reaction to it. Very emotional... not necessarily tears... or fondness... but it brought back memories of a different time.. Matt Pinfield... concerts at The Ritz in NYC. Drinking underage at Suzy's Chinese restaurant on Bleeker St. ( you could have been in first grade and they would have served you)

Running into actor (from "The White Shadow") and now big time TV director ("The Sopranos" and "Boardwalk Empire") Vince Van Patton while he was in film school in NY, and him breaking my balls by telling me that actually he and his Dad (Dick Van Patton)  weren't actually father and son, but brothers.

So, while I didn't have all the drug interaction Nicholas did, Emotionally I was there. I would have liked to have gotten a better sense of what his family was like (like a couple chapters about them - just them, it's a minor quibble). I know during that time, my parents drove me crazy, and eventualy into therapy.

It took me til my 40's while in therapy to have that moment of clarity where I realized parents are not perfect, or all knowing. They are just a couple of schmucks, like you and I.... dancing their way thru it, trying to not get arrested. Trying to get out of the 11th round against Marco Antonio Barrera 

In all seriousness, I feel like it sums up "my scene" or my part of my generation in a seminal way, much like "Bright Lights, Big City" or "Less Than Zero" did for theirs (for New York, and Los Angeles.)

And to top it off; Nicholas is a good guy, a good human being. A survivor, and fascinating to talk to. So seek his books out. Read 'em. Think about what's on those pages.


My Evening With Andrew Ouellette, The Dark Lord Prince of Comedy

I found myself driving thru the wild's of Florida towards Valdosta, Georgia to see my friend Andrew Ouellette perform stand up.   There is NOTHING on the road. Don't break down, or be Jewish (I'm assuming).  There's also a violent juvenile offender correctional facility there that you pass signs for.

"Hey man, you're a lot shorter than I remember you. But I have a shitty fucking memory".  Andrew Ouellette upon greeting me at The LaQuinta Inn in Valdosta, Georgia.

I met Andrew a couple of years ago in Savannah when he was doing his "Biggest Tour Ever Ever" thing (50 states/50 cities/ 50 days) with a couple of other .  The gig was in a dank and dirty strip club. There was a stripper who bartended and served me Jack and Cokes while telling me about visiting her Grandma who was dying of cancer in the local hospital. Then she excused herself to strip and grind at the nearby stripper pole while she digitally manipulated herself.

Fun times. Andrew didn't headline, but he did a decent sized set, and was caustic, and funny, and all the other things you would hope someone who makes their living telling jokes would be.

We kept in touch via The Facebook. In the 2 years or so since I saw him last, Andrew did a tour of Australia, and another one across the US. Busy guy. When I heard he was coming to perform within 3 hours of Jacksonville on his "Knock 'Em Dead Tour", hey,I had to go.

After reuniting in the lobby (and receiving the aforementioned height reference), we drove over to the club.  Observing is fascinating. Comedians, much like con men, pimps, or gamblers have their own language. Hearing Andrew and his fellow comedians interact was like being able to work on a loading dock with a bunch of Teamsters for the day, AWESOME, like learning a new language.

Anyways, I digress. Back to Andrew. Regarding his performance: HOLY FUCK!!   It isn't that often you run into something so real, so angry, yet so, so fucking funny.. I can only compare it to the following:

Have you ever been next to an explosion?

Have you ever been on the tarmac and have a jet take off over you?

Have you ever opened the door to a room not knowing that room was on fire, and felt the release of heat when you opened that door?

Seeing Andrew do that set last week, I truly felt shell-shocked (and I mean that the most complimentary way). No stones were left unturned. From discussing his French-Canadian childhood, filled w/ pastiness and bullies and parents with issues, to confronting someone in the crowd, and doing a bit about someone not wanting to be gay, but having a same sex tryst, and then chopping up someone and putting them in garbage bags ... He was a whirling dervish controlling that stage, just stalking around, arms and bangs flailing....

Was he funny? Totally? But DID HE MAKE ME THINK? FUCK YES!!! Which is just what good art is supposed to do. His set was everything you want comedy to be. It pushed you, it made you think...I even felt a bit uncomfortable, which is good for you every now and again.

The night ended with us at a Waffle House where Andrew ate grits, and I did not (we both had waffles, however). Still trying to soak the set in that I had just seen, I said: "Andrew I worry about you." He snorted and said: "Worry?? Worry about what?!" I snorted back and said "About what?! About this (pointing at him)" . Great way to end the night as we laughed on the way home.

So all I can say is that folks, I'm not bullshitting you. Visit his website (which should be updated at some point, ahem ahem) and like him on FB. If he is playing gigs near you, go to 'em. If you have friends near where he is doing gigs, have them go see him. Simple as that.

I don't make the rules (unlike Barry Manilow who writes the songs that make the whole world sing), so I can't really ruminate on why some folks are playing arenas or large theatres solo, and why others do no. As John Shaft would say "That's not my turf, baby".  I do know this: I saw something that transcended comedy the other night. I wouldn't bullshit you about Andrew.  Go see him. Buy him a drink. But him a pack of Camel Crush (Blue).

Simply put, enjoy the motherfucking ride w/ the Dark Lord Prince of Comedy.


East At Easter - or a Good Friday Post

It was one of my favorite songs from The Simple Minds! album "Sparkle in The Rain". It came out before "Don't you Forget About Me".  So, while they were on the cusp of crossing over into huge American success (while still maintaining street alterna cred, they were still one of those underground (for a 15 year old kid from Jersey) British alternative bands.

The album is full of "sound". It's really grandiose. Of course, it was produced by mega producer Steve Lilywhite.  I discovered it, on my 1982/1983 trip to England w/ Mr. Lanno and Dr. Jaegger at NPHS.  I think I bought it on cassette in London. While "Speed your Love to Me" and "Up on the Catwalk" are more of my favorites.... I think "East at Easter" (is Jim Kerr talking about Eastern Europe?  The Vatican? Where East is he referring to??) has a vibe that is memorable... and it's got some great vocals....

The version of "Street Hassle" by Lou Reed that's on there leaves some stuff to be desired... I'm not sure if it's good or not... Since it is Good Friday, I found it appropriate to reference a song that while I haven't heard in many years, fits into this weekend, and it still worth checking out.

Other than that, things are good. Work is work. It was "end of quarter". Which in the purchasing world, is always a kooky time. All the groups you support all want to spend the remainder of their budget... and everything is a rush!  However, I got thru it!!  I also got to take a nice walk w/ Vicki solo (well we walked the dogs) So thanks to Shirley for that!!! :)

Life's pretty good. How about everyone else?


While I may have been jacked, I am back for a proverbial attack

While I can't go into what happened recently; let's just say the past reared it's ugly head in a big way. I kinda got in a fight, and lost (in a allegory kinda way), I'm proud that I stood up, fought for what I believed in, and tried to kick butt.  It was kind of a traumatic event, which rehashed a lot of memories from the period of my Dad's passing. But hey, I got thru it.... I survived. I'm not smoking cigarettes (even though I'm rocking the nicotine gum).

I even got told I have the "worst podcast I've ever heard. How could you possibly think it was entertaining!?" LOLOL Little did the person know that was kind of the point...even though I'm overdue for a show, and I dig it... it's lo-fi.  I do try to prepare more for it now. So, if anyone that took such thorough notes wants to continue to listen, please do! Mega shout outs to you, kiddo!

Other than that, it's a new class... "Case Conceptualizations".. I'm digging it. It's good to be back w/ the Nova Posse again.  Some good people there. We are quickly approaching internship and practicum time.... and hopefully I have something lined up for nights so I can continue to rock on down to Electric Avenue during the day and make that cheddar.

Other than that, life is pretty good. Tobin is doing Jedi School (is he a Padawan?) and he has a uniform and everything.  Vicki is rocking the real estate world, and is gorgeous and amazing.... Lulu the dog is still surly... Freddie is sweet, but blind.. Parker is great but chews on things... Mimi and Marceline the kitties are keeping it real too.

I'm also working on this ADD thing... Whenever I read a textbook, I forget what I read...  I am trying to find some techniques to get past it!

It's been FOREVER since a decent boxing or MMA event. Though I was happy to see Frank Mir FINALLY win a fight!!

What's up w/ everybody else?


Hey Look who it is

Hello there

Just a quick update. I'm still alive. Still working, still hanging in.  Could do an update regarding Anderson Silva's failed drug test, and (of course) Nick Diaz's failed drug test... however today was a tough frickin' day.

Keep your details on the internet private,folks! That's all I'm gonna say..... eyes are everywhere.

Family is well, Vicki is gorgeous, Tobin is amazing (although he plays his video games too loud) and I'm keeping my head above water....

More later.