
My Evening With Andrew Ouellette, The Dark Lord Prince of Comedy

I found myself driving thru the wild's of Florida towards Valdosta, Georgia to see my friend Andrew Ouellette perform stand up.   There is NOTHING on the road. Don't break down, or be Jewish (I'm assuming).  There's also a violent juvenile offender correctional facility there that you pass signs for.

"Hey man, you're a lot shorter than I remember you. But I have a shitty fucking memory".  Andrew Ouellette upon greeting me at The LaQuinta Inn in Valdosta, Georgia.

I met Andrew a couple of years ago in Savannah when he was doing his "Biggest Tour Ever Ever" thing (50 states/50 cities/ 50 days) with a couple of other .  The gig was in a dank and dirty strip club. There was a stripper who bartended and served me Jack and Cokes while telling me about visiting her Grandma who was dying of cancer in the local hospital. Then she excused herself to strip and grind at the nearby stripper pole while she digitally manipulated herself.

Fun times. Andrew didn't headline, but he did a decent sized set, and was caustic, and funny, and all the other things you would hope someone who makes their living telling jokes would be.

We kept in touch via The Facebook. In the 2 years or so since I saw him last, Andrew did a tour of Australia, and another one across the US. Busy guy. When I heard he was coming to perform within 3 hours of Jacksonville on his "Knock 'Em Dead Tour", hey,I had to go.

After reuniting in the lobby (and receiving the aforementioned height reference), we drove over to the club.  Observing is fascinating. Comedians, much like con men, pimps, or gamblers have their own language. Hearing Andrew and his fellow comedians interact was like being able to work on a loading dock with a bunch of Teamsters for the day, AWESOME, like learning a new language.

Anyways, I digress. Back to Andrew. Regarding his performance: HOLY FUCK!!   It isn't that often you run into something so real, so angry, yet so, so fucking funny.. I can only compare it to the following:

Have you ever been next to an explosion?

Have you ever been on the tarmac and have a jet take off over you?

Have you ever opened the door to a room not knowing that room was on fire, and felt the release of heat when you opened that door?

Seeing Andrew do that set last week, I truly felt shell-shocked (and I mean that the most complimentary way). No stones were left unturned. From discussing his French-Canadian childhood, filled w/ pastiness and bullies and parents with issues, to confronting someone in the crowd, and doing a bit about someone not wanting to be gay, but having a same sex tryst, and then chopping up someone and putting them in garbage bags ... He was a whirling dervish controlling that stage, just stalking around, arms and bangs flailing....

Was he funny? Totally? But DID HE MAKE ME THINK? FUCK YES!!! Which is just what good art is supposed to do. His set was everything you want comedy to be. It pushed you, it made you think...I even felt a bit uncomfortable, which is good for you every now and again.

The night ended with us at a Waffle House where Andrew ate grits, and I did not (we both had waffles, however). Still trying to soak the set in that I had just seen, I said: "Andrew I worry about you." He snorted and said: "Worry?? Worry about what?!" I snorted back and said "About what?! About this (pointing at him)" . Great way to end the night as we laughed on the way home.

So all I can say is that folks, I'm not bullshitting you. Visit his website (which should be updated at some point, ahem ahem) and like him on FB. If he is playing gigs near you, go to 'em. If you have friends near where he is doing gigs, have them go see him. Simple as that.

I don't make the rules (unlike Barry Manilow who writes the songs that make the whole world sing), so I can't really ruminate on why some folks are playing arenas or large theatres solo, and why others do no. As John Shaft would say "That's not my turf, baby".  I do know this: I saw something that transcended comedy the other night. I wouldn't bullshit you about Andrew.  Go see him. Buy him a drink. But him a pack of Camel Crush (Blue).

Simply put, enjoy the motherfucking ride w/ the Dark Lord Prince of Comedy.

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